Sunday, December 25, 1988

Lillian & Lillian

 This picture is labeled:

Lillian Matthews Shaw (5 most.)

Lillian Wilkerson Shaw (87)

Christmas 1988

My grandmother and her namesake on about this date. This is taken at the Shaw house on Main Street in Milstead, Georgia. I now (2024) have one or two of those doves for our Christmas Tree though they are a little worse for many years wear and tear.

Tuesday, August 09, 1988

Wednesday, August 03, 1988

Time Machine: Laurie's Gift for Lillian

On about this date, Laurie Craw painted this watercolor to commemorate the birth of Lillian Matthews Shaw. Thanks, Laurie! 

Wednesday, July 27, 1988

Time Machine: Lillian Matthews Shaw

(Comments are from 2019)

On this day in 1988 a great blessing entered my life. Lillian Shaw you were and are a great joy to your ol’ man. I am so happy for the person you have become. You are thoughtful, talented, kind, and loving. You are wonderful writer, an amazing actress and singer, and, dadgum it, a doggone good dancer too!

I learned that day that the human heart is greatly expandable. My heart was bulging with love for he bookends in this picture just a few minutes before, then like magic it expanded to love the bundle in the middle no less than the other two.

On the phone with Granny and Granddaddy.
I was so proud of yo' Mama! Lordy that beautiful woman worked to get you here. Labor ain't called that for no reason.

Brannon was so sleepy, and so happy to have a little sister! BUT she did sneeze right in your face to introduce herself.

How I love this photo.

I love you, yes I do, I love you… beyond words.

This delivery room nurse was wonderful. She had also been on duty five years before for the birth of our elder daughter Brannon Shaw! We were glad to see a familiar face.

Tuesday, June 07, 1988

Time Machine: Washington June 1988

Facebook Comments from 2009:

Erskine Thompson
Ah, yes...the trip to Washington that I didn't get to take. Oh, well. At least that means I'm not in this picture. 

Terrell Shaw
Was this your year to go? I'm sorry you missed it.

Erskine Thompson
Yes, this was my group. Not sure why, exactly, I didn't get to go - I can only assume that we didn't have the money for the trip. Oh, well. I got to go the next year with the high school band, so at least I can say I've been to DC.

Terrell Shaw
I went with the West Rome Band in '63, I think.

Terrell Shaw
Tag some of the folks for me if you get the chance.

Erskine Thompson
Oh, that could be fun.

Terrell Shaw
Can you find Stacy?

Erskine Thompson
I think I see her, but I'd have to find her copy of this picture to be sure. She has one that's in color, but it's been a while since I've seen it.

Burt McCollum
Heh. Wow. I'd completely forgotten about this trip.
I remember a huge sculpture of a man rising up from the ground, as if from a grave...

Terrell Shaw
It was called "The Awakening" down past the Jefferson Memorial at the tip of Potomac Park. Here is a recent picture taken from the web:

This is a photo off the web of "The Awakening" that Burt mentioned and that we always veiwed when we took groups to DC. It has since been moved.

Kimberly Horn commented on this picture: I remember going to see it, & a couple was getting wedding pictures taken there! To where did they move it?

Terrell Shaw
So which one is Burt?

Shawn Davis
I just tagged Burt. That is the coolest picture. Notice the girls with the big 80's hair and the guys with the blue jean jackets!

John Houston Moore
Yes!!! Butt-cut!!

Mary K Boggs
Oh my stars!!! The style of my hair, or lack of style, is HIDEOUS!! What great memories!!! And I loved that sculpture too!

John Houston Moore
Shane has been tagged...