Thursday, October 10, 2013

Trouble! How Alligator Got His Scaly Skin

A couple of the teachers at this school forwarded pictures of today's lessons. I taught my alligator lesson four times to groups of about twenty kindergartners. We started with the old tale of and along the way learned a little about the characteristics of science, the five senses, and the life cycle, diet, adaptations and other characteristics of alligators. Kindergarteners are so much fun. Such enthusiasm! We stretched our a 19.3 ft. string and imagined our "King of the Gators" fitting that scale. "The King", of course, was fooled by that ol' trickster Bro. Rabbit who was still angry over losing his long handsome tail. And at the end we got to see the baby gator, who,indeed, has some of the beautiful golden yellow skin left that the grown-ups also had before Rabbit tricked 'em.

I wish I could post all the pics but I tried to avoid ones that might obviously identify any child.

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