Wednesday, August 23, 1972

Time Machine: GSD Field Trip To Noccalula Falls

Sheila and I enjoyed tagging along with Mike Burton of a field trip withy his Georgia School for the Deaf students to the Noccalula Falls Park in Alabama. I wish I knew some of the names of the students. Maybe Like and Gola will remember some of them. 

ike (right) with one of his students.

Carolyn Looney Burton

Gola Burton
My cool mom!!

Lynne Crothers Williams
Great picture!

Terrell Shaw
I miss that girl. Some outfit, isn't it!

Michael J. Burton
Hippie chick

Mike Burton in the tan vest. I think the baby is Ginger Burton

Terry Weeks

Gola Burton

Thursday, August 10, 1972

Time Machine: Cedar Creek August 1972

These photos were processed in August of 1972. We spent a glorious afternoon splashing in Cedar Creek at the Looney Farm near Cave Spring.

Gola is demonstrating her superlative of the day... bravely holding her breath under the cool clear waters of Cedar Creek.

You have to admit these extra daughters of mine are a picturesque trio. Here Ginger Jo is ready to rumble.
Gola Burton
Thanks Terry for sharing these.

Keila Burton Beam
This is so much like her kids

Baggy Britches... these pics are my excuse for calling Kiela "Baggy Britches" all these years.

Kiela Burton Beam

Terrell Shaw
Go back to bed, don't you know this is Sunday. You can get in another hour at least and still make it to church!

Terrell Shaw
CUTE, cute, cute, indeed!


The fearless youngest of the Burton girls showing her ginger -- Ginger Jo

Ginger Whiteis
Oh look how cute. Hope I'm near the shore - not out in that boat all alone.

Who could resist that face?

Gola Burton
That one is Kiela.

Terrell Shaw
I don't think anyone who has ever met her would deny that!

Tuesday, August 08, 1972

Cape San Blah/Mexico Beach A Year Later

We made a first anniversary trip back to our honeymoon site in 1972. This my not have been on our actual anniversary but it was close.


Tuesday, June 20, 1972

Time Machine: Russ & Laura Visit Mid 1972

Posted to Facebook on January 3, 2010....

At Berry College's Old Mill c. June 1972

Laura Nelson

Russell Nelson

Joan Shaw Turrentine
Hey, I remember that guy!
Terrell Shaw
Russell (and his wife Ruth whom we hadn't met) visited with us again last fall. [2009] Despite 40 years between visits we picked right back up and had a ball for several days.

April 28, 2011
from Russ Nelson after tornadoes hit Northwest Georgia

Hi Terrell.  Is everyone OK?  Out here in Oregon it sounds like half a dozen states nearly washed into the Atlantic.  I left a message for Charlie also.  Have you heard from him?  Jim Shack Rd.  Was that the cabin on Lake Creek Laura and I visited sometime in the mid 72?  If so I think I have a photo of you and Sheila on the front porch.  Russ Nelson.


Terrell Shaw
Yes, my family is great. Sheila and I did spend a few minutes huddled with two unhappy cats under the dining room table, but no damage at all at our house. My mother had a big maple down but it missed the house. No deaths or major injuries that I have heard of in Floyd Co. but millions in damage all over the county. Ringgold (north of us) had it much worse with several deaths and even more destruction. I haven't heard from Charlie in the last few weeks.

Yes, the tornado did a lot of damage on Jim Shack Rd. The cabin we used to own burned several years ago so it was already gone, but thats the one. I'd like to see that picture. There are a few pics of it in my albums on Facebook.

Russell Nelson
Glad to hear you are all OK. I sent Charlie a message but haven't heard back from him. A little concern there. I'm going through old West Virginia photos looking for Teacher Corps images. When get them together, I'll get them scanned and on the page. I'll get the Jim Shack photo as well. By the way do you remember "Aardvark Mountain Lodge? Now there was a cabin in the woods that might have been improved with a few gallons of gas and a match. Remember the copperhead snake under the kitchen sink?

Ruth and I got back from a vacation in Lake Havasu City AZ last week. Finally got out of town for a few weeks. Not sure if you got that message from me. We're going over to the Oregon Coast this week to work on one of the beach houses. I'll keep you posted of stuff from this side of the continent. You do the same. Good to hear from you.

Terrell Shaw
Its great to hear from you, as well, Russ. I may try to give Charlie a call. He was going great guns there for a while, contacting our old NTC folk.


Thursday, June 08, 1972

At the Chubbtown Cabin 1972-1976

In 1972 Sheila and I found a listing in the Rome News Tribune for a Log Cabin for sale in Chubbtown. This is a place to collect pictures and memories from the four years that we lived in that little fishing cabin on a hill overlooking Lake Creek.

We named the cabin Bywater and I carved the name into a piece of driftwood from Cape San Blas. As you may notice I carefully copied the script used by JRR Tolkien. We hung the sign on this limb over our long dirt drive.

The sign over the long dirt drive to our cabin on Lake Creek. We named it Bywater after the village in the Shire near Hobbiton. I carved the letters in the Tolkien style on a piece of driftwood Sheila and I found at Cape San Blas. The sign now hangs in our mudroom. The cabin burned to the ground several years ago.

Our mailbox on Jim Shack Road in Chubbtown, South Floyd County GA. Early seventies.


In our Chubbtown log cabin -- we lived there from mid-1972-1976. Sheila crocheted that Afghan. The library cabinet is now in our upstairs hallway and houses part of my collection of political items. The blonde dresser is in our bedroom still. And the blonde is right here in the room with me as I mess around with Facebook.

Rhonda Ingram Bramblette
Love this one, can "see" her.

Bedelia Ellison
Sheila was so cute!

What you mean "was"?!

This is Sam. I bought her new in 1969. I named her in honor of my then girlfriend, Sheila Ann Matthews. Here she is afyter a freshet flooded Lake Creek and swamped her. We put her on blocks, poured oil through her to try to keep her from freezing up but it didn't work. We ended up selling her to Maloney's junk yard. Terry Moloney rebuilt her as a dune buggy and she did eventually ride again.

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
Was this your car?

Joan Shaw Turrentine
I never heard this story, Terrell. I am enjoying looking through your pics of the sixties and seventies.

This is at a little log cabin we owned and lived in from 1972 till 1976. It was off Jim Shack Road on Lake Creek in a community called Chubbtown near Booger Hollow in southern Floyd County GA. I was preparing to construct a little outbuilding.

Jim Achmoody
Wow, what interesting names--how long was your W.V. stay?

Home again, jiggedy jog. Just in from Tallahassee.  I lived in WV for the two years I served in the Nat'l Teacher Corps, 1969-71. Is that when I visited you, or was it after Sheila and I married? I can't remember the circumstances of that visit. BTW we'd love to have y'all visit here. We have a spare bedroom... y'all come!

I think it was in '71 probably, we were married in '70, thinking you probably visited in 'summer of '71? Are you still teaching?  Are thinking of going to Gatlinburg area-not sure how long of a drive from there to Rome , will check.[later] Terry,  You visited us while you were teaching in WV, before you were married.  Rome is farther than I thought from Gatlinburg so hopefully will be able to stop another time--want to see Charleston some day, so maybe that will work out next yr.? Do you know if a word document can be pasted to gmail and then from there to a blog pg.? Wasn't able to paste from Word to the blog in a single step. - Jim

David came to visit us for a few days and helped me dig a place in the hillside to construct a small out building.

David Shaw
I remember that week!!!

Mavis Matthews fishing at Terrell & Sheila shaw's house on Lake Creek about 1972.

Nora Matthews

Jimmy Matthews, fishing at Lake Creek at Terrell & Sheila Shaw's little log cabin home, Chubbtown, Georgia about 1972.

My father, Charles Columbus Shaw, by Lake Creek at our cabin about 1972.

Sheila rescued this little dog off of Booger Hollow Rd, brought the cute little feller home, fed him, took him to the vet for shots and such, bought food, dishes, toys,... one week later he continued his journey leaving us behind.

I believe this was the kitten we called "Blossom"

Have I told the possum story yet? If not, I will.

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
So, tell us! I'm sure we'd all enjoy your story!

It is one of my "storytelling" stories and I actually have it written up on some disk, somewhere. Not tonight, Christie.

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
Is that the bottom drawer of the stove?

Yep... important part of the story...

Wanda Milky Dagraedt
Baked or Sauteed'?

<grin> My first Thanksgiving season at McHenry I asked the kids about their family Turkey Day traditions. Little Nancy didn't hesitate to let me know that her Daddy had a 'possum penned up on the back porch already, fattening it up for T'day! (Not this one.)

Quit fogging the computer screen ladies! One week after we moved into the cabin, the well went dry. Our bathing was done in the creek for a few days.

Rhoda Ingram Bramblette
Awwwww...this is Priceless!! You look soo happy! Love it!

Ann Marie House

 I know it's difficult, but try to control yourself, AnnMarie.  ðŸ˜‰

Well Rhonda I was about as happy as a fella without indoor plumbing could be.

My gorgeous bride beside our 1972 ... jacuzzi? Note the shampoo and conditioner.

Bedelia Ellison
I love the swim suit. Sheila was a beautiful bride.

Dana Jordan Alexander
I Love these Photos reminds me of my family camping trips my dad use to force us on 3 weeks at the lake fishing we took baths just like that but it was fun ,Kim and Lori Loveless use to go with us with there family , those really were the good ole days .. i will have to see if I can dig up some ole school pictures i know I still have some and some of those camping trips 

Yes, Dana, dig up those McHenry pics!


Note from the future (August 2024)

Sheila and I just spent sixteen days visiting our daughter Brannon's family in Vista, California (northern San Diego County). Brannon and John gave up their own bedroom for us and they stayed in the living room (after getting the kids to sleep). I noticed but didn't examine a framed picture of a log cabin next to their bed. I sort of wondered about it. Maybe it was a place they stayed on one of their trips. The day before we headed home I took a closer look and was amazed at how much it reminded me of our Chubbtown cabin. I was shocked when Brannon confirmed that it IS a photo of our cabin from the early seventies. How did I not immediately realize that. There were the tulips I planted. There was the piece of driftwood I would later carve "Bywater" into as a sign over our drive. How about that. Here it is.

Monday, May 15, 1972

Time Machine: McHenry 1972

I posted these pictures on Facebook on February 15, 2010 and the comments followed that post. I do not have the actual dates of these pictures. Some were processed in May 1972. Some were processed in October 1972. Others had no date.

 L-R: Randy Hulsey, Karen Terry, Terrell Shaw, Justin Gordon, Nancy Edwards. The red constuction paper on the partition behind us was a timeline of American history.

Zelda Buford
That looks like my brother Justin Gordon, the one with the tongue sticking out??? 

Terrell Shaw
Yep! My first year at McHenry. I still love those kids. What do you hear from Justin? The boy to my right is Randy Hulsey, the girl in yellow is Karen Terry. Nancy Edwards died a year or two ago, cancer I think.

Zelda Buford
Justin is great. He lives in Cartersville, with the wife and kids.

L-R: ?, Tina Ely, Karen Terry, Teresa ?, Nancy Edwards, Justin Gordon

Zelda Buford
There Justin is again with the tongue sticking out. (Before Michael Jordan) 
😮) Wow! I remember the radiator that was used to heat the room.

This slide was processed May 72
labeled "Jay Osborn's brother"
Andrew had gone to sleep on the bus during the return trip from (I think) the Atlanta Zoo. His mom was a chaperone for the trip and took Andrew along.

Wayne Morgan
I run into Wayne every now and then. He has done some work for me several times, including the tile work around our fireplace. He was a genuine ring-tailed tooter as a fifth-grader, but somehow lovable anyway. I don't think Wayne will mind me sharing that Judson Frost paddled Wayne's hiney for me on more than one occasion!

Wayne Morgan

Inside my first McHenry classroom. The gray paneling is the partition that separated Nancy Helser's little reading class from my class.

Milton and Ellen Bennett. Ellen was our school secretary. She and Milton lived directly across the street from the school. This was a retro prom in the school gym. 

Cary Jordan

L-R: April Ransom, Terry Harcourt, Dwight Jones, Greg ?, Mike PruittDwight was a very quiet little boy. He died, tragically, as a teenager.
I have seen April a few times as an adult. She has a daughter who is the spitting image of her mother. April's father owns Grandpa's Attic on Shorter Avenue. I see him and/or April's sisters occasionally. Terry used to work at Loyd's Auto Repair and has worked on my cars several times over the years. He has a twin brother, Jerry.

L-R: Darlene Cromer, Pam Lambert, ?, Jeff Bannister, Darry Davis, Chuck West

Alver Wigley

My first year at McHenry. L-R: Randy Hulsey, Karen Terry, Terrell Shaw, Nancy Edwards, Roy Green
This picture was taken in my classroom. The janitors, Earl and Nellie Hill, lived on campus in a little house directly across the drive from that window.

The McHenry prom queen.

The driveway at McHenry. See the marble entry post in the distance? I think this is Jeff Jenkins (L). There are three Jenkins boys. Their mom and dad were very active parents.
The label reads " Eddie & motorcycle".

Zelda Gordon (Buford)

Zelda Buford
OMG! Thanks Gayle. I believe that is Sammy Burdette in the background.

McHenry kids at the Atlanta Zoo. I see Jan Baker.


Jerry Taylor at the Boy's Club field. Processed Oct 72

Jerry Taylor at the Boy's Club field. Processed Oct 72

Processed Oct 72. Boy's Club Field.