Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: "Bring Everything Crashing Down"

 Remember that Steve Bannon has been quoted: “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

From a friend's post:
From Heather Richardson, professor of History at Boston College:
"I don't like to talk about politics on Facebook-- political history is my job, after all, and you are my friends-- but there is an important non-partisan point to make today. 
What Bannon is doing, most dramatically with last night's ban on immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries-- is creating what is known as a "shock event."
Such an event is unexpected and confusing and throws a society into chaos. People scramble to react to the event, usually along some fault line that those responsible for the event can widen by claiming that they alone know how to restore order.
When opponents speak out, the authors of the shock event call them enemies. As society reels and tempers run high, those responsible for the shock event perform a sleight of hand to achieve their real goal, a goal they know to be hugely unpopular, but from which everyone has been distracted as they fight over the initial event. There is no longer concerted opposition to the real goal; opposition divides along the partisan lines established by the shock event.
Last night's Executive Order has all the hallmarks of a shock event. It was not reviewed by any governmental agencies or lawyers before it was released, and counterterrorism experts insist they did not ask for it. People charged with enforcing it got no instructions about how to do so. Courts immediately have declared parts of it unconstitutional, but border police in some airports are refusing to stop enforcing it.
Predictably, chaos has followed and tempers are hot.
My point today is this: unless you are the person setting it up, it is in no one's interest to play the shock event game. It is designed explicitly to divide people who might otherwise come together so they cannot stand against something its authors think they won't like.
I don't know what Bannon is up to-- although I have some guesses-- but because I know Bannon's ideas well, I am positive that there is not a single person whom I consider a friend on either side of the aisle-- and my friends range pretty widely-- who will benefit from whatever it is.
If the shock event strategy works, though, many of you will blame each other, rather than Bannon, for the fallout. And the country will have been tricked into accepting their real goal.
But because shock events destabilize a society, they can also be used positively. We do not have to respond along old fault lines. We could just as easily reorganize into a different pattern that threatens the people who sparked the event.
A successful shock event depends on speed and chaos because it requires knee-jerk reactions so that people divide along established lines. This, for example, is how Confederate leaders railroaded the initial southern states out of the Union.
If people realize they are being played, though, they can reach across old lines and reorganize to challenge the leaders who are pulling the strings. This was Lincoln's strategy when he joined together Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers, anti-Nebraska voters, and nativists into the new Republican Party to stand against the Slave Power.
Five years before, such a coalition would have been unimaginable. Members of those groups agreed on very little other than that they wanted all Americans to have equal economic opportunity. Once they began to work together to promote a fair economic system, though, they found much common ground. They ended up rededicating the nation to a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Confederate leaders and Lincoln both knew about the political potential of a shock event. As we are in the midst of one, it seems worth noting that Lincoln seemed to have the better idea about how to use it."


David Matheny

Augusta Spearman
I was wondering if other heard he had stated " Lenin was what he would like to be like".

Augusta Spearman
Lenin did not like people disagreeing with him. He disposed many of them.

Mike Bock
Richardson calls this a "shock event" — a strategy employed by Bannon — but she doesn't make clear what she sees as its purpose.She writes: "As society reels and tempers run high, those responsible for the shock event perform a sleight of hand to achieve their real goal..." What in the world is the "real goal" of Bannon? I'm wondering if the goal is to deliberately provoke terrorist attacks in the U.S. so Trump can do his "law and order" strategy. Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would advance that strategy as well.

David Matheny
Trump's pre-text to Martial Law.

Terrell Shaw
Mike! Please correct the spelling! 


My daughter is "Brannon"; Mr. Trump's far-right-hand man is "Bannon".!!!!

Mike Bock

Clayton Hensley
Mike, she does address this. "I don't know what Bannon is up to-- although I have some guesses-- but because I know Bannon's ideas well, I am positive that there is not a single person whom I consider a friend on either side of the aisle-- and my friends range pretty widely-- who will benefit from whatever it is." We simply don't know if there is a motive here besides "protecting" America.

Donald Murdock
I don't believe her point is to speculate on a goal that is anyone's guess, though Bannon's rhetoric and the actions that have been taken are pretty troubling. Historically, removing power from a legislative body and attempting to discredit valid news sources while creating destabilizing events is a fairly classic pattern leading up to forced change. Psych warfare 101. An uninformed and frightened populace is easily manipulated.

Laurie Craw
Donald Murdock A "frightened populace" now includes all of us who are see good reason to fear the authoritarian, nationalist, rash and destabilizing actions of this president. So I am now afraid that WE will be manipulated as well as those who are afraid of Muslims. The travel ban was the perfect "shock event" to trigger a huge reaction (overreaction?) from the Trump resistance. We must limit our street protests, I think, to avoid playing into their "shock" stategy. No substitute for organizing and getting Republicans out of the majority in the midterms. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Andy On the Homeless AND Refugees

 Andy Offutt Irwin is not only a wonderful and hilarious storyteller, he is also a thoughtful and principled person. He expressed my thoughts better than me today on his Facebook...

These words were mounted on a photograph of a veteran slumped on a park bench. He is obviously cold within his camo jacket, his capped head in his hands. A worn backpack at his side. He is the pitiful being on the streets whose gaze we avert.
But the either/or, two-dimensional condemnation of this meme gets under my skin. Somebody took the time to surf around the clip art sites, pick a font, type the words, and reduce this man's image to something that "could go viral." ("LIKE IF YOU AGREE!!!")
I have no way of knowing if the person who created this social media finger-wagger has ever volunteered at a homeless shelter. But I can tell you this: the majority of folks who do stay up all night to help to feed and shelter the poor and homeless in inner city church basements and repurposed bus stations, the people most likely to boldly make their way into abandoned buildings to help lift up the most damaged and forgotten of the "least of these my brethren," the people who possess the compassion (and risk the heartache to nurture that compassion) to dirty their hands on the blood and literal shit that accompanies such work, those are some of the same people who are going to go home, shower, take markers to poster board, and head to the airport so we won't have to dismantle the Statue of Liberty.
- Andy Offutt Irwin

Gleaning Facebook: Baby Recognition

Our church has a 35 year tradition of recognizing new babies associated with our members with a donation to missions and a certificate. Since my sister and brother Deborah Shaw Lewis and Gregg Lewis) were out of town, Sheila and I got to stand in for them as surrogate grandparents. So, Lillian Irene Lewis and Monica Rose Lewis, we at Trinity have got your backs as you take your places in this big world, and our family. Your great Uncle Terrell & Aunt Shiela were thrilled to be a part of this special day.

Thanks to Linda Blackwell for capturing some video and stills of the occasion. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Muslim Ban

If there is a Muslim ban initiated in our great country, I pledge to register as a Muslim.


Barron Kirkpatrick Frazier Brown
Me too!

Laurie Craw
Is that something Muslims would appreciate, or maybe not?

Jeannie Blakely
The idea is that if everyone registers, it's meaningless to the authorities. I would think they would approve.

And I will def register!

Christy Davis
Surely it won't come to that.

Jeannie Blakely
After this week, I would almost bet on it.

Terrell Shaw
Surely not. Maybe there would be a more effective way to protest, Laurie, but the "Yellow Star" legend of Denmark, which, I understand, is not true but should be, is my inspiration.

James Schroeder
السَّÙ„َامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…ْ

Anne Edwards Langley
His message today about the Holocaust never mentioned the Jewish people. He merely said victims, survivors and heroes. There is a real disconnect here

David Matheny

Ringstaff Marilyn
Have you picked a Muslim name Terrell Shaw? I'm trolling for one--so far it's Halimah or Jasim bint-ringstaff

Paula Graves
I will be a Muslim atheist in a heartbeat!

Paula Graves
Interesting side note: Trump didn't include any Muslim countries where he has business ties - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

Linda Hatcher
I will register and ask everyone else who wishes to do so!

Dekie Hicks
Yeah, I'll sign up to put my name on the "not-a-Christian" list too!

Neal Brackett
In that case does that mean that bbq goat is replacing the pork at the Annual July 4th gathering?

Terrell Shaw
BBQ goat is good!

David Matheny

Howard Smith
I thought you were a Muslim.

Luis Schnitzer Da Silva
Obama is one ...why not us?

Gleaning Facebook: A Troubled Man

Trump is at the Pentagon speaking and looks terrible. I believe he has gained even more weight. His reading of the speech is awkward and halting. His phrasing makes it sound as though he is not very familiar with what his writers have on the page.
And now he is off script again...
He has aged ten years since the election.
A troubled man.


Victoria Stanz Abernathy
Karma at last

Ellen Mana'ar Johnson
Sad that his dream of the presidency came true and he is still not happy.

Annie Shields
Being president is very hard work, not really glamorous.

Dawn N Luke Andrews
Terrell Shaw.... Seriously?

Terrell Shaw
Dawn N Luke Andrews, seriously? Have you watched him?

Dawn N Luke Andrews

Geoffrey Green
Pence will be our president, unless donald starts a war. It's a lose-lose situation.

Ray Lyons

Jeannie Blakely
If you're talking about calling, try this number:Johnny Isakson (GA) 770.661.0999..&..202.224.3643 (tell him that Betsy DeVos sucksssssss!!!)

Mike Bock
What we see must be obvious to those closest to him. It may be his family that in the end will convince him to step down.

Terrell Shaw
From your keyboard to the mind of Ivanka! Please. pastedGraphic.png

Sam Burnham
In his defense, he's trying to clean up a huge mess

Terrell Shaw
Come on, Sam. Nonsense.

Sam Burnham
Eight years of foreign policy incompetence has left a huge mess

The economy is stagnant,

Terrell Shaw
I'm trying to think.. from a libertarian viewpoint what is a "huge mess"..... In this instance I assume it is foreign affairs .... Ex Oeders barring immigration from nations with refugees under terrible pressure from authoritarian govt and "rebuilding" the largest and best military in history.

Sam Burnham
Foreign affairs is the biggest part of it

Terrell Shaw
Economy that recovered from the Grt Recession quicker and more strongly than most adv societies.

Sam Burnham
And pitiful wages and a record number out of the workforce

Terrell Shaw
Better quicker recovery than most adv societies. Lots of downsides to ecnomy but I'll sure take it over his predecessor... and considering the stalemate in our govt pretty doggone good.

Terrell Shaw
We both love America, but not much basic agreement on principle to make for reasoned argument. I assume you would repeal many of our amendments including direct election of senators, income tax, and more? If I understand, you woukd have opposed the constitution to begin with. . I love you, but have very basic disagreements.

Sam Burnham
Not exactly opposed to it.

Howard Smith
Terrell Shaw ...I think the huge mess he is trying to clean up is the one from his most recent visit to the CIA where he embarrassed himself, agents and the public by his remarks.

Laurie Craw
Sam Burnham
Obama left a "mess"? When was there a time when world affairs were NOT a mess? Let's see, in the last century alone, two world wars, Korea, Cold War, Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis, Israeli-Arab wars, terrorist airliner hijackings and bombings everywhere, just for starters. Can't blame all that foreign policy "incompetence" on Barack Obama but I'm sure you will.

Howard Smith
And, while the economy is not growing as fast as we would like it is in a hell of a lot better shape now than it was when President Obama took office. And, correct me if I am wrong but President Obama did not spend more than two trillion dollars...as debt....to fight an unnecessary war as a result of mythical wmds...which cost the lives of more than 3000 American soldiers and left tens of thousands wounded for life.

Sam Burnham
Howard Smith
he doubled the national debt in 8 years. More deploy than all 43 of his predecessors...in 8 years.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
Yes...and, there are reasons, not all good...but many beyond his control... And, for the record, he reduced the budget deficit substantially.

Howard Smith
President Obama was not perfect but he was a good man and he inspired us to be better. This cannot be said of Twit.

Sam Burnham
Laurie Craw
since you brought it up: Korea was started by Truman, ended by Eisenhower. Vietnam was started by Johnson, ended by Nixon. The Cold War was started by Truman, won by Reagan
I do notice a pattern

Sam Burnham
Howard Smith
you can't take credit for lowering the deficit while doubling our debt. The math doesn't add up

Luis Schnitzer Da Silva
Laurie Craw
you left out the invasion and destruction of Iraq...

Dianna Edwards
Started by Bush 1

Tim Shiflett
I've aged ten years watching Trump. LOL

Bobby Morgan
we gonna be in a world of shit in another few months

Mary Clemones Stanley
Even in the sixth grade he scolded me for voting republican in our mock elect. I campaigned hard for Ford. He tried to convert me by saying how disappointed my grandfather would be. I thought he just really liked Jimmy Carter. I didn't know my favorite teacher was a nut case. pastedGraphic_1.png

He's still my favorite teacher.

Terrell Shaw

I remember telling you about seeing your granddad's FDR pic in his office! But I certainly did NOT want you to feel scolded! I am so sorry and horrified that you felt that way.
Do you remember who won the primary election in our mock election? That blond little boy ... I will remmebr his name in a minute...(Richard Holcomb, I think!) asked me maybe just the day before the "debate" if he could speak for a candidate. I told him that --- some minor candidate, maybe Udall ---- did not have a spokesperson... so he was it. At the debate the little boy said: "Jimmy Carter reorganized state government and a lot of people lost their jobs! He may have fired YOUR dad or YOUR mom!" It's been 40 years and I may not remember it right, but it seems like Udall? may have actually won the vote that day! He at least made it a close vote. Tickled me to death and I'll betcha he got an A! Carter won the mock election in the fall though. 


Mary Clemones Stanley
I bet every time one of your former students answers the security question: "Who was your favorite teacher? They type "Shaw." That is always my answer. You made us all feel important. Thank you!

Susan Polkinghorn

Laurie Craw
Since Trump made such a big deal about Hillary's physical stamina and played up her little episode of flu during the campaign, it's only right that we should remark on his apparent health issues. Right?

Tim Shiflett
I've made several remarks about his mental health issues, myself. (wink)

Chris Ozment
Several people have commented that Kellyanne has aged since since the early and middle of the campaign, also. I didn't believe it until someone posted the video below. I think she is now, and has been physically and mentally exhausted for a while now. I don't want to be critical of someone's appearance, but I think having to constantly defend him, offer rationalizations for what he does, etc, has taken it's toll on her conscious. As a result, it's showing. At one time, she clearly got it. As for Trump, I think few people would doubt that he used some sort of unflattering spray tan. He is using somethihg different now. Still spray tan product, but a different color. I think it makes him look a little older. https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocrats/videos/1390867671006283/

Sam Burnham
It's also worth pointing out that when tornadoes hit the reliably Democratic 2nd district Obama did nothing for 18 days. Trump had relief en route in less than a week.
And I'm not even a Trump voter. I just decided to give the man a chance for the sake of our republic.

Paula Graves
Isn't that the Governor's job? To ask for assistance?

Sam Burnham
Paula Ledbetter Graves he did.

Paula Graves
I want to read about it. Where was this?

Paula Graves
For Obama and Trump please.

Sam Burnham
Paula Ledbetter Graves
Albany, Georgia. First Tornado hit on January 2. Second tornado hit this past Sunday.

Here's an article: http://www.macon.com/news/local/article128841919.html

Paula Graves
Awesome! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to read it now.

The article says that Trump was responsible for both. He called Deal on the Jan 2 and they are waiting to hear about the most recent one. Is there a separate article about Obama?

Sam Burnham
Paula Ledbetter Graves
Obama was president until January 20. He never even called.

Paula Graves
That's what I'm unsure about. Why would Trump have anything to do with processing the paperwork or calling Deal? Maybe he and Obama worked together? I have absolutely no idea.

Sam Burnham
Nor did he call about Hurricane Matthew or any other disaster in the last 7 years - there have been several.

Paula Graves
Well that isn't true. He called before it even hit land.

Sam Burnham
Trump called because he actually cared about Georgia beyond Atlanta fundraisers.

Paula Graves
It is an interesting point that I'd like to know the answer to. There's probably some legislation there that I'm too lazy to read about. Regardless of who contacted Deal, the people of Georgia got help!

Paula Graves
Sam Burnham lol. Riiiiggghhhhttttt.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
I think you just arguing just for the sake of argument which is why I would enjoy drinking with you...


Sam Burnham
Howard Smith
I can do that, to be honest. But I think it's getting more important to me as I age to give folks a chance and see what they'll do rather than just look for ways to run them out of office because I disagree with them. I didn't like President Obama's policies but I never sided with the impeachment bunch because I know what that entails, the damage it does to our system of government and the damage it does to us as a people. I'm not crazy about President Trump. But he's our president and we owe him a chance.

I WANT to believe in our executive branch and in our federal system. It's all we have right now.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
He said he liked to "Grab them by the pussy." He said, " I tried to fuck her" knowing she was married. He said troubled young girls are the best in bed. He cheated on his first wife with his second and his second with his third. He just settled, practically speaking admitted guilt, to fraud. He says 3 to 5 million Americans illegally voted because of his ego. He supports torture....but, was a draft dodger himself...and, on and on....and, I could go on...but, when someone shows you who they are believe them.

Sam Burnham
You're right. And I find him personally disgusting. I would never want my sons to look to him as a role model for manhood.
But we decided a few years ago that a man's personal life, especially his sex life, has no bearing on his ability to govern this nation. That's now a standard to hold (or rather, to not hold) presidents to.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
Admitting to being a sexual predator, admitting to sexual assault, bragging about it....vulgar, profain "locker room" talk about women is quite different than any previous president. The character of this man does not compare to Obama. Maybe you think character doesn't matter in a leader but it does....seriously, it does.

Sam Burnham
I think it does. But we dropped it as a requirement in the 90s.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
No Sam, we did not. You are glossing over reality for the convenience of an argument. President Obama refutes your argument.

John Barnett
Howard Smith Clinton??????

Sam Burnham
You and I have very different assessments of President Obama's character. And we're fortunate to live in a nation where that's allowed.
I'll say this. Carter had character. Coolidge had character. Tyler had character. Washington had character. Adams had character. I hope I live to see a day when we have character like that in our White House again. But considering our society doesn't have an abundance of that sort of character, I have my doubts.

Howard Smith
John Barnett
Yes, Clinton commited adultry....but, never bragged about it, never bragged about sexual assault..still married to his first wife...never made fun of handicapped people, never called Mexicans rapists..never insulted everyone who disagreed with him, never had to settle a lawsuit for fraud....etc....yes..there is a difference.

Howard Smith
Sam Burnham
I guess we do. Worked hard to get a good education without a silver spoon. He has been faithful to his wife, inspired us with his words, conducted himself with poise and dignity, failed to go on twitter attacks because he was criticized, not afraid to laugh at himself, to play with children, to sing out loud, to cry in public, to care genuinely care about the welfare of Americans, their health, living wage, etc, to be genuine...and, to lead our country back from economic collapse. Trump will never be able to hold a candle to the man Obama is....period.

Laurie Craw
I remember that Jan. 2 tornado response. Our governor and a Rep congressman, I believe it was, did not call on President Obama but called Trump, who was not even president at the time. When asked by reporters why they hadn't call the president for help, they said, "Because we have a close personal relationship with Mr. Trump." That's grossly disrespectful for Georgia Republicans to bypass a sitting president!

Terrell Shaw
Sam, I can understand your principled ( tho mistaken of course) policy diff w Pres Obama, but cannot imagine how anyone could attack his character.

Paula Graves
Sam Burnham
- I found why Obama didn't respond. Deal contacted Trump and not Obama. Same thing for the Ft. Lauderdale shootings. The FL governor called Trump and not Obama. Also, no funding has been paid for the Jan 2nd tornadoes yet according to Deal.

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
Trump's had chances all his life to serve the public and took none. At the end of his first week in office, I have zero confidence that at the age of 70 he's going to have a miraculous personality transformation and start putting himself second.

Sam Burnham
Laurie Craw
when you've been bypassed by that sitting president for seven years, you kinda get the picture that he doesn't care about you.

Tracy S Lawler
And he has not had to truly deal with any real "problems" yet other than read scripts read by other and sign his name to executive orders written by who-knows-who. I guess he is ready for his "weekend off" - being President is not just all show...now is it?

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
Well if Trump put the phone down and got 6-7 decent hours of sleep at night. Ran on the treadmill for an hour in the morning, then took his Ritalin like he's supposed to, maybe he'd feel, look and act a lot better...
....Nah. Never mind.

David Matheny
He.s got the strongest thumbs...The best!

Julie Adair
He's not gonna last a month.

Chereta Gordon
Insanity speeds the aging process and I'm sure his insanity is peppered with a little dementia. I truly hope some one is monitoring his mental health!

Gleaning Facebook: Education Secretary

 Keep calling friends. Insist that the Congress insists that new president find someone who

-- is qualified,
-- has experience with public schools,
-- wants to improve rather than destroy public schools

From Andy Offutt Irwin's Facebook Page:

The Senate is 3 votes away from denying confirmation to Betsy DeVos who did not commit to safeguarding IDEA, the primary civil rights legislation for students with disabilities, during her hearing. Georgia friends-- we're critical here. Sen. Isakson hasn't made a public statement about where he stands) CALL DAILY!
If you live in any of the states listed below, PLEASE call your Senators (and if it's busy, keep trying even though I haven't had any problems getting through).
Susan Collins (ME) 207.622.8414..&..202.224.2523
Lamar Alexander (TN) 615.736.5129..&..202.224.4944
Lisa Murkowski (AK) 907.586.7277..&..202.224.6665
Johnny Isakson (GA) 770.661.0999..&..202.224.3643
Orrin Hatch (UT) 801.524.4380..&..202.224.5251
Richard Burr (NC) 336.631.5125..&..202.224.3154..&.. 910.251.1058..&..828.350.2437
Michael Enzi (WY) 202.224.3424
Dr. Bill Cassidy (LA) 202.224.5824
Pat Roberts (KS) 202.224.4774
Tim Scott (SC) 202.224.6121
Rand Paul (KY) 202.224.4343
Sample Script:
Hello, my name is [Name]. I'm a registered voter in [City, State, Zip]. I'm calling to ask that Senator Isakson oppose the nomination of Betsy DeVos, who lacks the experience and commitment to students with disabilities to be our next Secretary of Education.
Thank you.
(Copy/paste, don't share -- so more people see it)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Persist!

We must expand the marches into a movement...

Join the Indivisable group in your area.
Get involved in your political party.
Join ACLU.
Here in Rome join One Community United.
Be intentional in your personal life about involving real people of different backgrounds, races, religions.
Communicate unrelentingly with your city, county, state, and national public servants.
Show up IN PERSON at govt meetings, political events, politician offices.
Be heard. Be seen. Be persistant.

(From a friend's wall)
For all those who didn't understand (and you know who you are). To those who are confused or surprised about why millions of people (men, women and children) showed up to protest on Saturday, Jan 21st, 2017. . .
"Women are marching because our children deserve a secretary of education that cares about education."
"Women are marching because our family and friends deserve healthcare. Did you know that before the ACA, newborns in the NICU would hit their lifetime caps on health insurance coverage. That's right, Babies who had never felt the sun on their skin could no longer get health insurance."
"Women are marching because domestic violence crisis centers and after school programs deserve funding."
"Women are marching because we deserve clean air, clean water, and national parks."
"Women are marching because we believe the children protected by the DREAM act deserve to be here and they deserve to live with their parents, not in orphanages and foster homes."
"And most of all, women are marching because we have the right to. The right to protest and speak out against our government is the first amendment. That's right, #1! It is one of our most fundamental American right"
"Saying that we're whining, throwing temper tantrums, or that we're immature, or that we need to get over it will not stop us. It will not stop us from fighting for you. And we are fighting for you because you deserve these rights too."
"We're not marching because Trump won"
"We're marching because he wants to take all of the things that we hold dear away. All of the things that we've been fighting for for generations."
"And we're not giving up easily."
"Anyone who thinks we're marching because we lost just simply isn't listening. We're fighting because we refuse to lose more."
(More people will see this if you copy and paste instead of sharing.)
