Saturday, August 10, 2024


My sister Carol and her husband Ron invited all their relatives to their lake house near Waverly Hall, Georgia, for a joint reunion. The original date was nearly a month ago and, because of illness, had to be postponed till today. The crowd was smaller than we might have otherwise had, but what fun. Thanks Carol and Ron!

I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are few. I'll add text to these pics and more pictures from others as I can. But here are these for now.

Ron and David (and others I'm sure) helped some of the kids with fishing and caught some bass and crappie.

Zoe with some the dolls from Mother's es

My niece Lyn and her daughter and son-in-law, Natalie and Chris.

I laid out items from Mother's estate for our cousins to choose from. It included handmade items created by my grandmother -- a sweater, some afghans and throws, crocheted and tatted doilies and such. There were also some elephant figurines, a bunch of dolls, a teddy bear, and such. I was very pleased that most of them were taken.

Linda and Wayne Baird. Wayne is my first cousin, youngest son of my mother's brother Grice.

With four of my siblings, L-R: David, Joan, Carol, Debi, and me.

Carol had some wonderful beading supplies and these three girls had a great time designing and creating bracelets and necklaces.

Somehow the bead necklace Mia had created was dropped and the beads scattered all over the front porch

Ron had set up a range for shooting clay targets and several folks had a great time trying their shooting skills.

Joan in the chair, with Natalie, Lyn, and Jessica.

Linda takes a shot.

Debbie fires away.

Wayne and I sat in Sheila's air conditioned Camry to watch the shooting.

My sister Joan with my first cousin (once removed) Debbie Boyd Amodeo

My first cousin Jane Baird Lathem, with her husband Warren, as well as their son Jared, Jared's wife Lim, and their four grandkids, Zoe, Alana, Zyana, and Elijah. I was so happy that the kids picked out a few items to keep from Mother's estate.

Jane explained that these items are examples of "tatting" that Mama Baird did with finer thread and smaller needles than she used in her crocheting. 

Linda Baird sent these three pictures to show how she is using three vases she chose from my mother's estate. Aren't they beautiful!

Carol posted these photos of her family on Facebook:

Larisa and Phillip

Evelyn, Joey, Meleah, and Bradley

Carol, Larisa, Ron, Joey

Jane posted these photos on her Facebook page (I did some cropping):


More pictures from Carol's Facebook page:

I had filled the trunk with odds and ends from Mother's house. The kids were excited to choose dolls and such.

Carol took many of the guests on "Mule" rides around their property.

Evelyn, Bradley & Meleah

Bradley, Mia, and Darcy creating jewelry.

Another picture of the sibs -- this time in age order!

Linda & Wayne

Jessica, Alex, Vicki, & Haley

Sheila and Me

Debi, Gregg, & Andrew

Darcy, Mia, and Bradley

Bradley shows off her bracelet creation.

Jessica & Haley


  1. Thanks for this entry about the reunion. I loved it because it showed the variety of things Carol and Ron provided for everyone to have a great time!

  2. I enjoyed reading this; the reunion was fun.

  3. Thanks. I hate that I didn't get pictures of Carols family and the Pierces and Johnstons. But I know there are some others on social media. We should have made an effort to get a group shot of each family group. Maybe between us we did.
