Saturday, September 01, 2018

Gleaning Facebook: Mr. Barton's Basket

Doing some organizing at Mother’s house and uncovered some treasures. Heres one — a Wint Barton basket! Ruth Baird Shaw wrote her name on the bottom so it’d find its way home after covered dish dinners.

Comments from Facebook:

George Barton: He made a lot of these. They sold well and were quickly made with less weaving than the bow bottoms

Melanie Collette Babb: Mother had a couple of his baskets.

Anita Stewart: We have a few of Mr. Barton's baskets, but the most valuable thing we have regarding him is the rocking chair that my mother was rocked in 100 years ago....Mr. Barton taught Jason how to cane the old chair when Jason was a Confirmand. The chair is a family treasure and added to this is the memory that Jason will always have of Mr. Barton helping restore it,

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