Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Vista Conservancy Nature Trail

Off on my favorite solitary walk along this little nature Trail in Vista, California this Sunday morning. Thanks to a cell phone and hearing aids I have literal voices in my head as I stroll, guiding contemplation of my small part in this awe-inspiring creation.

The walk that becomes the Vista Nature Conservancy Trail starts, I suppose, at this bridge Vista's Wildwood Park.

Though the trail officially begins about here, a half mile or so away.

The grounding stones used for centuries by the native Americans are so common that there is no marker here to note them. Here are pictures of some of these stones along this trail.

I so enjoy walking this trail -- several times on each visit to Vista.

I have always been fascinated by the textures of the various trees... here the splintered bark of an old Eucalyptus tree.

My plant ID app calls this an aspen??

Some of the coastal live oaks have limbs parallel with the ground.

These trees have developed an interspecies relationship!

A closer look shows that the limb of one has been trimmed but is still firmly embedded in the trunk of the other.

Near the Bengal Terrace Park end of the trail is a bank covered in volunteer nasturtiums.

I enjoy backlit leaves in the woods... here a big castor bean leaf.

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