Sunday, September 22, 2024


A few years ago several of my family members got into the painted rocks fad in a big way. Even I painted a rock or two and enjoyed watching out for the publicly placed painted rocks. They always have a web address on the back where you can post a picture and then place the rock in a new spot. Anyway, as a political items collector since 1964, I have political hand fans, whistles, thimbles, mirrors, combs, and other doodads in addition to the usual posters, handbills, and buttons I was interested to see that there is a new (to me) political item category to look out for. 🙂 I copied this photo from a Facebook page.

"Black Nazi"

This post started as a comment on Mark Robinson. But I really needed to say more.

The “Black Nazi” (self described) is the MAGA nominee for governor of North Carolina. He, like every American Nazi that I am aware of, is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump. Remember him? He’s the guy who said there were good people on both sides when Nazis and their allies demonstrated in Charlottesville. He’s the guy who told the “Proud Boys” to “Stand down and stand by”. He’s the fellow who sat gleefully watching the televised mayhem at our capitol on January 6, 2021 and lifted not a finger to stop it for hours. And he is the one who lifted the “Black Nazi” to the MAGA nomination for governor of North Carolina. Did Trump care about the extreme and stupid comments of his preferred candidate? Nope. Robinson was loyal to Trump, and Trump, ever the transactional wannabe autocrat, welcomed him with open arms and propelled him to the nomination.
Did Trump know anything about Hershell Walker other than his football prowess and his loyally to the MAGA leader? I doubt it.
Did he care what vile words came from the mouth of Kari Lake? Or Marjorie Taylor Greene? Or Lauren Boebert? Nope. They were loyal to him. That is all that matters.
Does Trump care about abortion? Evangelical Christainity? Middle and lower class Americans? You and I know he does not care a whit about any of these beyond what they can do for him. As soon as it became obvious that he was losing votes because of abortion bans he backed off of them. There is no there there when it comes to Trump principles except for one: what he perceives as best for himself at that moment.
I honestly am bewildered that any thinking person could support this criminal to reclaim the seat of Washington, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Ike, Reagan, Obama et al.
It is such a joy to be able to wholeheartedly support Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz. Both patriots. Both honor our military and our fallen heroes. Both have long careers in public service. Both have the strong support of those who know them best and have worked most closely with them.
I don’t have to make any excuses before I speak out for my candidates, as every Trump supporter that I know of does when you ask them about their candidate. They say “I don’t like his language but…”, “I know he is no saint, but…”, “Yes he’s a convicted criminal but…”, “January six was horrible, but…” , “Yes he said terrible things about John McCain and other heroes, but…” “yes he faked bone spurs but…” “Yes a jury found him to be a rapist, but…” “Yes, more of his former aides, military advisors, and cabinet members oppose him that any president in history, but…”
As the pandemic ended and the resulting worldwide inflation set in, many economists predicted a recession in the US. But the Biden/Harris administration got careful advice, and without regard to politics, set about working on solutions. The inflation was terrible, but their measures kept us out of recession, created record numbers of jobs, boosted our economy to record levels, boosted incomes faster than the terrible worldwide inflation drove up prices, produced a building renaissance for businesses, increased domestic manufacturing to the best level in decades, has spurred infrastructure projects in all fifty states, lowered prescription drug costs, and now even inflation has come way down. Overcoming the mess they inherited has not been easy but their efforts are working.
And in international affairs they worked to restore America’s reputation in the world. They built back our alliances that Trump had all but destroyed. They stood up to Putin and other autocrats. Even this week they have worked to strengthen our alliances with India, Japan, and Australia.
I am so proud to work as a small part of the campaign to turn the page on the dark era of Trump chaos and hatred and see new hopeful, patriotic leadership — willing to even work “across the aisle” — as my generation gives way to that of my children and grandchildren.

Monday, September 16, 2024

PTSW: If I Could Tell You by W.H. Auden

If I Could Tell You

Time will say nothing but I told you so,
Time only knows the price we have to pay;
If I could tell you I would let you know.

If we should weep when clowns put on their show,
If we should stumble when musicians play,
Time will say nothing but I told you so.

There are no fortunes to be told, although,
Because I love you more than I can say,
If I could tell you I would let you know.

The winds must come from somewhere when they blow,
There must be reasons why the leaves decay;
Time will say nothing but I told you so.

Perhaps the roses really want to grow,
The vision seriously intends to stay;
If I could tell you I would let you know.

Suppose all the lions get up and go,
And all the brooks and soldiers run away;
Will Time say nothing but I told you so?
If I could tell you I would let you know.

by W.H. Auden

This is an example of a villanelle. He takes a couple of liberties with the form in the last verse but that's what it is.. That pleases me because when I try formulas like this in my poetic efforts, I usually find a way the break the rules just a little.  It works awfully well here. I can never read it just once, and if there's no one about I read it aloud.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

James Edward Shaw

My Uncle James was an important part of my life from very early on. He was the next younger of my father's four brothers. 

I'll store some pictures of him here and write about him as I get a chance. I would love to hear the memories others have of this good man. (If you leave a comment please add your name to the comment itself -- comments here rarely are labeled by a name -- very frustrating. 

Celeste Devaney Shaw (L) with her daughters Clara (b. 1921) and Evelyn (b. 1922) ; and Lillian Wilkerson Shaw (R) with her sons, James (b. 1920) and Charles (b. 1919) .
Roughly 1924. Celeste was married to Lewis Shaw and Lillian was married to Grady Shaw.

This picture is from Lillian Wilkerson Shaw's photo album. In the car are Columbus Turner Shaw and Minnie Wood Shaw (my great grandparents). The little boy with the dog in front of the car is James Edward Shaw (Dad's brother). This was almost surely taken in Milstead. James was born in 1920 so this picture must be from 1923 or 24 or so?? Later note: I posted this picture to a Facebook page for Model T enthusiasts and got LOTS of responses. The consensus seems to be that Grandpa Shaw’s car was a 1924 Model T Ford touring car. Possibly late 1923 or 1925.

Charles Shaw (my father who had his big personality even as a boy.
James Shaw (my uncle and Charles’ younger brother)

Charles & James Shaw

From a Milstead Methodist Sunday School Outing 1940s
First -- L-R standing at back: James Shaw, Grady Columbus Shaw, Jr., Charles Columbus Shaw, Josh Kilpatrick; Seated: Unknown, Don Turner, Ludie Turner, Ruth Baird Shaw, Mrs. Phillipi, Virginia Kilpatrick; standing at front: Lynda Joan Shaw Turrentine, Janice Dianne Shaw Crouse, Kay Phillipi

Grady and James Shaw at Indian Springs.

A thanksgiving or Christmas dinner at the Grady & Lillian Shaw home on Main St. Milstead, Georgia. James is in the plaid shirt.

James, Grady, Jr., and Jack 

James, Terrrell, and David Shaw on the porch of the Grady and Lillian Shaw home on Main Street in Milstead GA.

Here are some of the comments that were posted when I placed this picture on the Milstead Memories Facebook page:

Annie Scarbrough- "Another of my wonderful Shaw brothers in love. Special man devoted many years to taking care of Mama Shaw." 
Natalie Roseberry- "I remember him fondly! He and Aunt Lillian would come and visit us! And I remember him bringing Aunt Lillian one time so he could go on a date!"

Andrea Shaw Hayes- "Loved Uncle Jim! Such a fun Man to be around. Always called me Sister."

Joan Shaw Turrentine- "As a fellow introvert, surrounded by high-profile extrovert family members, I felt a special bond with Uncle James. He had a marvelous sense of humor, although he was usually overshadowed by his much louder brothers."

Danny Shaw- "I remember when I would go and stay with him and Mama Shaw during summers, he would kindly take me to a drive inn movie on occasion. The only downside to this experience is he would undoubtedly fall asleep. I would need to wake him after every one had left and then we would leave when no one was left at the place. 
Later when I was grown, he, my dad Grady Jr and I went to see the Blue Max ww1 movie. Probably no longer than 15 minutes into this war movie James was snoring at a level that challenged the speakers. I looked at dad, he looked at me and smiled. He said now James is in his happy place, so I am too."

A family reunion at the Hearn home in south Fulton County.

James at Mexico Beach, FL

Jennifer Shaw Harcourt: "Since daddy had passed, and James had no children, I asked Uncle James to walk me down the aisle. He was so excited , and I was so blessed. He passed away not long after this. What a sweet and kind man. I got to go many times with Daddy to Mama Shaw’s to help James with stuff around the house. We only went once to help with Christmas decorations, though - Dad said never again with that one."

James Shaw, Carol Shaw Johnston, Lillian Wilkerson Shaw, and Sheila Matthews Shaw at Grantville, GA. circa 1992.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Morning Walk

Sheila and I took a morning walk down the levee to Second Avenue then back to the Ross Bridge, across to Broad up to the Chamber office then back along First Street and the Riverwalk to Fifth Avenue and back home. 

Watching the sunrise over the Rome skyline.

A view of the construction on West Third from the Ross Bridge. That is one huge crane.

There's new signage at the Town Green for the Riverwalk...

...and commemorating "Rosie the Riveter" examples from our area. We discovered a few years ago that my Mother was eligible for the "Rosie the Riveter" organization because of her work during World War Two in managing the nursery for workers' children at Callaway Mills.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hope and Joy!

It is still a close race. The future of our republic is still on the line in 2024. I am very sorry that the great sourpuss criminal and sore loser of Maralago  still has significant support...

But hope and joy are in the air!

It reminds me of the feelings I had in the campaigns of 1976...

 and 2008. 

Such excitement. Such hope. Such an optimistic and joyful campaign.

America is at its best when it looks forward. 

Our team of Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz have intelligence, wonderful experience, optimistic natures, deep love for our country, strong respect and understanding of our history, progressive principles in the tradition of FDR, Ike, LBJ, Obama, and Biden, a willingness to reach across the aisle to find solutions, and a determination to bring our nation together for an even greater future.

They are, I hope and believe, the face of our future.

I am so happy to lend my voice to theirs, and the many thousands who are cheering them at every rally, to declare -- We won't go back!

Saturday, August 10, 2024


My sister Carol and her husband Ron invited all their relatives to their lake house near Waverly Hall, Georgia, for a joint reunion. The original date was nearly a month ago and, because of illness, had to be postponed till today. The crowd was smaller than we might have otherwise had, but what fun. Thanks Carol and Ron!

I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are few. I'll add text to these pics and more pictures from others as I can. But here are these for now.

Ron and David (and others I'm sure) helped some of the kids with fishing and caught some bass and crappie.

Zoe with some the dolls from Mother's es

My niece Lyn and her daughter and son-in-law, Natalie and Chris.

I laid out items from Mother's estate for our cousins to choose from. It included handmade items created by my grandmother -- a sweater, some afghans and throws, crocheted and tatted doilies and such. There were also some elephant figurines, a bunch of dolls, a teddy bear, and such. I was very pleased that most of them were taken.

Linda and Wayne Baird. Wayne is my first cousin, youngest son of my mother's brother Grice.

With four of my siblings, L-R: David, Joan, Carol, Debi, and me.

Carol had some wonderful beading supplies and these three girls had a great time designing and creating bracelets and necklaces.

Somehow the bead necklace Mia had created was dropped and the beads scattered all over the front porch

Ron had set up a range for shooting clay targets and several folks had a great time trying their shooting skills.

Joan in the chair, with Natalie, Lyn, and Jessica.

Linda takes a shot.

Debbie fires away.

Wayne and I sat in Sheila's air conditioned Camry to watch the shooting.

My sister Joan with my first cousin (once removed) Debbie Boyd Amodeo

My first cousin Jane Baird Lathem, with her husband Warren, as well as their son Jared, Jared's wife Lim, and their four grandkids, Zoe, Alana, Zyana, and Elijah. I was so happy that the kids picked out a few items to keep from Mother's estate.

Jane explained that these items are examples of "tatting" that Mama Baird did with finer thread and smaller needles than she used in her crocheting. 

Linda Baird sent these three pictures to show how she is using three vases she chose from my mother's estate. Aren't they beautiful!

Carol posted these photos of her family on Facebook:

Larisa and Phillip

Evelyn, Joey, Meleah, and Bradley

Carol, Larisa, Ron, Joey

Jane posted these photos on her Facebook page (I did some cropping):


More pictures from Carol's Facebook page:

I had filled the trunk with odds and ends from Mother's house. The kids were excited to choose dolls and such.

Carol took many of the guests on "Mule" rides around their property.

Evelyn, Bradley & Meleah

Bradley, Mia, and Darcy creating jewelry.

Another picture of the sibs -- this time in age order!

Linda & Wayne

Jessica, Alex, Vicki, & Haley

Sheila and Me

Debi, Gregg, & Andrew

Darcy, Mia, and Bradley

Bradley shows off her bracelet creation.

Jessica & Haley