Sunday, December 13, 1970

Shangri La Motel


Storing this record of my stay at this motel on this date. Was this on my way home from WV for the Christmas break? I don't remember. 

I found this postcard of the motel online.

Friday, October 02, 1970

At Mary House's House 1970

Charlie Yates, Cynthia Weaver, and I visited in Mary House's home near Liberty, WV fairly early in the 1970-71 school year, I think. The attached date is approximate.

Mary House, a teacher at Poca High School in Putnam County, WV. Mary is a friend of the Teacher Corps interns at Liberty School and our "regular" teacher friend, Arvel (sp) ??. If Mary ever writes a book she should pay me for this book jacket pic.

Clayton Hensley

The baby is Mary's nephew, Clayton Hensley. Holding him is Teacher Corps intern Cynthia Weaver. The guy is Charles Yates, another Teacher Corps intern. I don't know who's on the phone.

Cynthia Weaver, Mary House, Clayton Hensley


Friday, January 02, 1970

Time Machine: Mumps & Collegian - May 1969

A great way to end one's college career: 15 days in the college clinic with mumps! Ugh.


David Matheny
Your Kids are proof that you were cured!

Terrell Shaw
Sheila Matthews Shaw
did you give me those daisies? 


Sheila Matthews Shaw
I don't remember bringing you flowers.

Ruth Baird Shaw
Your sister carol was trying to take care of you. I have a letter she wrote home about you being in bed with mumps!

Anita Stewart
What a bummer that must have been.


I spent the last 15 days of my college career in 1969 in bed at the Asbury College clinic. This sign was posted on the door to my clinic room. Lordy, the things I stuffed in that box of mementos!

Facebook Comments 2014

Lyn Davis
Aww. What a way to end your college days! I didn't know that story.

David Marlin Rains

Jane Nelson Risdon
I remember.


The Collegian office, home our senior year 1969:
Jane Nelson Risdon), Terrell (Terry) Shaw, & Mike Bock

American Gothic 1969
Notice the message to our fearless leader Michael Clem Bock: Clam up, Clem! We were attempting a classic Grant Wood pose with T-square instead of pitchfork, but Janie should have been to my right.


Jane Nelson Risdon
Janie should not have posed for that photo to begin with! Whatever was I thinking???!

Terrell Shaw
I weighed 70 lbs less than today! But headed back toward that weight, by cracky! I want to meet that guy halfway: 5lbs down in the last month, 30 more to go by December 29, 2015. then ten more after that goal is reached.

Laurie Craw
You sure were scrawny back then LOL

Terrell Shaw
I weighed 135 lbs when I graduated from college... of course that was immediately following 15 days abed with the mumps.

Laurie Craw
Well, if mumps does that, how do I get Steve infected?


Time Machine: Graduation Day, May 26, 1969

L-R: Terrell Shaw, Solomin Lasoi, and ? Singh.


Ivan Lasoi

Cool! You guys must have been proud of your accomplishment. I've always wondered who the Indian guy was?

Terrell Shaw
His last name was Singh... as are many Sikhs. He was a Kenyan Sikh who either went to, or taught at, the University of Kentucky. Solomon and I became acquainted with him and his family and visited them in Lexington a couple of times. They treated us to wonderful curried chicken and rice and other delicious Indian dishes.

Speaking of food, every now and then Solomon and I would go shopping and gather the ingredients for his Kenyan cuisine... I really enjoyed those meals cooked in the basement of Johnson West. It was a hearty chunky cabbage/beef stew with a corn meal almost solid but not quite mush that we ate with our hands with the stew. It was delicious.

Ivan Lasoi
Wonderful memory. When my brother and I stayed in the dorm over the summer we would make the most of the Fitch's IGA fare...maybe cooked a few things. The corn meal staple is called Ugali.

Terrell Shaw
Yes! Ugali. I think maybe Lisette had reminded me of the name a while back... I'll probably have lost it again next week, but I can look back here to be reminded. Your Dad also made a hot tea/milk drink that was quite good.

Lea Cherono Shabangi
Chai! Kenyan tea is simply the best! If every you are anywhere near our homes (IL,KY or TX), you must stop and have some! Thank you SO much for these pictures!


No photo description available.
Graduation day 1969, in front of Hughes Auditorium, Asbury College, Wilmore KY. Center in graduation robes L-R: Jo Riley, Terrell Shaw, Jane Nelson, Mike Bock

Jane Nelson Risdon

Ah... Those precious memories! How they linger!

How they ever flood my soul!

Online Time Machine: Daddy Learns to Fly 1969

March 13, 1969 - While Daddy was serving Fairburn United Methodist Church in Fairburn, GA, he started taking flight lessons. Here's his flight record book with, I suppose, a listing of all the flights he took. I flew with him at least once. With my friend Mike Bock, who was visiting, we flew around Stone Mountain. We had a little excitement during the return flight when his radio quit working for outgoing messages. He could still hear the radio message from the tower at Peachtree Dekalb Airport. He managed to catch their attention and they directed him in, with daddy signaling that he had heard their messages by wagging the planes wings side to side. The lasnd was rough but successful. One of the flights listed is on the date I put on this post.


Beth and Bill's Kids at Milstead, April 1968

Beth, Becky, & Angie Shaw above the Yellow River in Milstead GA, I think. The processing date on the print is April 1968.


Time Machine: 1968 Democratic HQ, Wilmore, Kentucky

Remembering November 5, 1968

 In 1968 I was very active along with Ed Johnson (Later Judge Edward Johnson, of the Georgia Court of Appeals) and a few others in the tiny Asbury College Young Democrats. History professor "Ms Chic" Ciccarello was our sponsor. We opened and staffed a part-time headquarters in the tiny business section of Main Street in Wilmore, KY near the railroad tracks.

Somehow in the fall of '68 our YD group managed to pay a sign painter to do up this indoor sign for the HQ -- I suppose on butcher paper. It is about sixteen feet long and three feet wide. It spanned one whole wall of the HQ which we rented on Main Street in the village of Wilmore.

Somewhere I have an old b&w photo of some of us in the HQ with this sign behind us.

Time Machine: Mike Bock Campaign Spring 1968

In 1968 Mike Bock ran for and was elected editor of our Asbury College newspaper, The Collegian. We used Linus from Peanuts, without permission from Charles Schultz, as our campaign spokesman. How could Linus NOR support someone named Bock? Even if he couldn't spell it. We stuck these homemade signs along the walkways of the campus.



Posters from Mike Bock's winning campaign for Collegian (newspaper) editor at Asbury College in 1968 -- a little worse for the wear after more than half a century, ----
 Facebook Comment
Dalma Grandjean
Already a winner at an early age. Great poster!


Time Machine: Campaigning for RFK April/May 1968

In the Spring of '68, several of us from Asbury, abetted by our history professor Ms. Ciccorella and her daughter, Pat, made our way to Louisville and across the Ohio River to New Albany, Indiana to campaign for Robert Kennedy. It was quite an experience for this rather sheltered Georgia preacher's kid from an arch-conservative "holiness" college.

One of our duties in New Albany was to make signs for supporters to hold up when Bobby & Ethel came to town.

These are some of the signs I made and that we used when we met the Kennedys at the Louisville airport.

I didn't use these signs though. Somehow I managed to be chosen to don a ridiculous sash and styrofoam hat emblazoned with Kennedy bling and stand in the airport receiving line as the token college kid among the bigwigs.

I wish I had managed to save more of the official campaign stuff rather than these silly signs!

Still it was a thrill to shake the hands of our next president (as I believed) and his wife.

At the time I was disappointed that Kennedy had such a limp handshake (Ethel's was very firm!) -- I have since heard that major presidential candidates end up with very sore hands pretty quickly, so I have tried to give him a little break on that score.

David Matheny

You met Bobby K.??

Terrell Shaw
Very briefly, but yep. Just a handshake in the Louisville airport.

George Anderson
Terrell Shaw
 "He was the best of the best."


Kennedy won the Indiana primary, but only a month later the dream was shattered by an assassin's bullet.

This is one of the official posters I saved from the Indiana campaign

Sketching David

I will find this sketch of my brother David in a box of letter many years from now (1924). It was actually drawn on the back of a letter I was planning to send to David. I will think/guess that I was disappointed that I could not seem rot make him look young enough. I may never send it to him. 


Georgia Folk Festival 1967

Georgia Festival of Folk Music 1967

Gary Smith at the 1967 Ga. Festival of Folk Music at Unicoi State Park near Helen GA.

Len Chandler at the Georgia Festival of Folk Music 1967



Time Machine: Christmas 1966

Emerye Kelly, Lyn Turrentine (Davis), Carol Shaw (Johnston)
Lyn was born May 23, 1964. Carol graduated from West Rome High in 1967 and Daddy moved to Fairburn that summer. I think this is most likely Christmas 1966.


Carol Shaw Johnston
My goodness! How time flies. LOL! I was thinking about getting bangs again. Trouble is, I wouldn't look that good again even with bangs.

Ruth Baird Shaw
Yes you would! that is a good picture of both you are on Emerye.

Terrell Shaw
Here's Lyn/Ethan again!


November 16, 1966: Rome Junior Cultural Arts League

 In December of 2024 I'll find this old flyer and reminisce:

I am busy curating the Terrell Shaw Museum and Archives. In other words I am sifting through and triaging the disheveled boxes of miscellaneous debris from my 77 years on the planet, much of which should have been tossed years ago. It is a very slow process because I am constantly distracted by the memories associated even with a mimeographed sheet like this.
Michael J. Burton, do you remember this?
Little did I know, when Mike Burton gave me this flyer well over a half century ago, the ways the property he mapped (with a stylus on a mimeograph stencil) would occupy my attention and emotions in later years.
The Art Gallery became the storied "coffee house" where I sang folk songs with Cleve Burton and met lifelong friends like Richard Ware and Gary Smith.
Sheila and I would celebrate Easter Sunrise in the amphitheater a time or two with our church.
We would celebrate the Fourth of July from the levee behind our house on Avenue A year after year (with the Burtons and Wares almost always in attendance) as the fireworks blasted from the base and later the summit of Jackson Hill.
The Duck Pond and surrounding property would be a major focus of my life for years as we fought to "Save Rome's Central Park".
And my baby and her beloved would be married in the renovated waterworks/Rome Art Gallery/ coffee house building on Jackson Hill in 2023.

To LaGrange with Cleve c. 1964-65

Cleve Burton and I drove to Lagrange to visit with a couple of our Camp Glisson friends -- it must have been our last year of high school or our first year of college.

The guy with the guitar is Pat Alger.

L-R: Me, Pat Alger, Cleve Burton

Pat Alger

L-R: Pat Alger, Cleve Burton, Terrell Shaw

Gilbert Lewis Crouse, Jr. December 22, 1965


Ringing Bells for the Sallies, December 1965

Christmas 1965, NYC. This looks like a bus, could be the subway. The blonde is Evie Spencer. Looks like we'd done some shopping.

Christmas 1965, Scarsdale NY. The Sallies sent us out each morning EARLY to meet the commuter lines in different locations. Then we worked all day at various shopping areas, Then when we were finally off-duty, we used the rest of each 24 hours to explore the big city through the night. There was no sleep during that two weeks.

Christmas 1965, Scarsdale NY. We four were assigned to the Yonkers Sally HQ. That's where we ate and slept (well, no actual sleeping occurred). It was from there that we ventured out in a rattletrap Salvation Army station wagon to all parts of Gotham.

Comments from 2010:
Jim Achmoody
Wow does that bring back memories of Manhattan etc.

Terrell Shaw
Sorry that we chopped you in two, Kim. 


John Countryman
Love the ear muffs!

Jennifer Kellogg
Love this!

John Paul Schulz
The making of a liberal.

Terrell Shaw
Since they worked us from daylight till dark we felt obliged to use the hours of darkness for seeing the city... never mind sleep. Joan showed us the city. This eighteen year-old Georgia boy drove that dilapidated Sally wagon all over the city at all hours, as if I knew what I was doing.

Joan Doelick, a local Sally employee was our driver and companion for the duration of our assignment. Evie Spencer is in the front passenger seat. You see the folded feet of the ever-present kettle apparatus.

Here our driver and fearless leader, Joan Doelick, looks away from the road as I snap her picture. See me in the mirror? Well, my fingers, anyway.

Evie was a senior and I was a lowly freshman, but pickings were slim I s'pose (no offense, Kim, as I recall you were taken at the time ;-)) and she deigned to allow me to court her for the duration of this adventure. I was mightily stricken and greatly honored by her attention. Here we do a little cooking in the kitchen of the Sally HQ in Yonkers.

Christmas 1965, outside the Scarsdale NY railway station.

Note from the future (2023)
Kim Gilson made comments on these pictures in 2010 but, sadly, his comments have disappeared. He was in a terrible auto accident in April of 2015. He died that June.