Sunday, March 01, 2009

E-mail from Mother

My mother (Ruth Baird Shaw) sent this e-mail today:


1.  Thanks Joan for your Sunday Seven and Carol for your Sunday Seven on Saturday!

2. Larisa and Carol...thank you for keeping us up to date.  I am so sorry that little Sophie is sick with strep throat.  You continue in my prayers, of course and i am sure many other people are praying for Lily and for all of you. Take care of yourself.

3. I went out to Model Elementary Thursday to see Natalie play Betsy Ross in their social studies wax museum program.  A wonderful program!    Lyn was in charge of this and it was a great production. They has a George Washington...Ethna Allen...all the famous leaders in the Revolution... I enjoyed hearing the children do their parts, especially Natalie, who sat in a rocking chair with a bonnet like Betsy Ross wore.   A  great way to learn about our early leaders. When one punched a button her her desk..she went into telling all about Betsy Ross...

4.  Friday night Gregg and Debi invited me to go out to eat with them at one of my favorite places...I had  a really great salmon and vegetable plate. Then we went to Model for Rachael's high school basketball team playing a team for Athens.   Terry and  Sheila were also at the  game 

5. As Joan told you the Model Girl's team  has not had a single loss this season - in regular play or tournament play !  Rachael is at only five feet tall is amazing and a great basketball player.  I really enjoyed watch her skillful playing and moving down the court so fast!  

6.  It was sleeting when I drove to church today and sleeting heavy as i drove home...but it soon stopped and we did not get the snow that was forecast.

7. The snow was South of us in Northwest Georgia... I had an email from Ann in Grantville...they had snow there.  She is a friend who keeps me updated about the weather as well as  the people there.

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