I enjoyed the responses to this post I made on Facebook:
Let's have a collective noun contest. One of my old favorites is the famous "congress of baboons*". I've always felt marginalized by the term "a sprinkling of Methodists". I suggest "a casserole of Methodists" as more appropriate.
Jackson Williamson
For some reason, a "flock" of environmentalists sounds appropriate.
Terrell Shaw
And we're off and running....
Jane Cox Slickman
Terrell, aren't you a little afraid of what the collectives for politicians might be?
On the way to church, I offer a communion of Disciples of Christ ( our church at second ave & third st)
Terrell Shaw
I have deliberately tagged some of my favorite Republicans. I suspect my Democratic friends can give as good as they get!
Jane Cox Slickman
How about a household of realtors
Jane Cox Slickman
A bray of democrats?
A lumber of republicans?
A tempest of tea partiers?
Jackson Williamson
Given their predilection toward solicitation of donations, I submit that a group of Evangelicals be referred to as a "Bundle".
David Campbell Pool of Baptists,
vinyard of Episcopalians,
great cloud of meteorologists,
"heard" of audiologists...
Juanita Cordle David, I was going to say a flurry of meteorologists, but I like yours,too!
Maybe a case of lawyers?
Juanita Cordle ...an assembly of teachers?
...a collection of bankers?
Janice Shaw Crouse
Clever people!
Jaki Day
a pasture of preachers...(sheep- shepherd reference)
Terrell Shaw
Keep 'em coming, I love it!
David Campbell A cell of televangelists
Christy Davis A destitution of teachers?
A cache of bankers?
Carol Shaw Johnston
I can't seem to un-tag myself.
Terrell Shaw
Sorry Carol. I'll see If I can unhook you.
Terrell Shaw
Sheesh... looks like Facebook would make that easy... I can't seem to delete tags. Apologies to those who may have no interest in this silliness.
Christy Davis
A regret of Facebook tags?
Terrell Shaw May be my favorite so far, Christie.
Kathryn Neason Adams A score of tenors on the" high seas (C's)
Terrell anyone who wants to opt out of this should go to your original post, put their mouse over the arrow to the side and click "unfollow post" I've enjoyed the entries so far...
Terrell Shaw
Thanks, Kathryn.
Carol Shaw Johnston No big deal, Terry - I just didn't want to get into any snarky political stuff - but it doesn't seem to be headed that way. There was an email being passed around awhile back that had some really funny collective nouns. I'll see what I can come up with.
Christy Davis A snark of pundits?
Juanita Cordle
A facade of actors?
Kathryn Neason Adams
a "trunkful" of Republicans.
Kathryn Neason Adams a windfall of meterologists
Adam Stanley A murder of murderers
Jane Cox Slickman This is the best post ever!
How about a fund of philanthropists?
A wreck of drunk drivers
David Shaw A Lie of Lawyers
A Waste of Politicians
Kathryn Neason Adams In light of a discussion this morning on the news about requiring competency tests for Congressmen how about A Deficit of Congressmen.
Brannon Shaw A chatter of fourth graders.
A relief of EMTs.
Gregg Lewis
A predetermined passel of Presbyterians
a bouquet of botanists
Dale McConkey A slew of slaughterers
Ruth Baird Shaw
A class of teachers
A mainline of Methodists
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