Thursday, December 27, 2018

Gleaning Facebook: Most Presidents Grow in Office

 I posted a quote....

John Dean: “Most presidents grow when they assume the office. Donald Trump has shriveled and shrunken — he’s become even smaller than we believed. Trump knows how to destroy but he has built absolutely nothing, other than the largest body of lies of any POTUS! He’s waste of a nation’s time.”


Sandra Pride

He's a waste of oxygen.

Brenda Ron Carroll

Umm you mean the John Dean of Watergate scandal and went to jail? Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black eh...except the pot is a heck of a lot blacker.

Terrell Shaw

John Dean was indeed guilty of colluding with Nixon Haldeman and Erhlichman, but realized his guilt and was then the key to bringing that crime to light. When the tapes were released, his testimony turned out to be almost word for word the truth.

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