Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: The Kinds of Leaders I Want

 When the leaders in Rome set about building that beautiful water tower on the hill overlooking our downtown they were thinking of better water supply and pressure for the downtown for the 1870s, of course. I think, though, they were also thinking of us, their posterity. That''s why they added the beautiful clock faces to the top of it, establishing, just like that, an unmistakable and lovely symbol for our city that has adorned it for nearly a century and a half. Those are the kinds of leaders I'm looking for in this off-year city election.

My criteria?
I want diversity of age, background, race, etc.
I want folks who will be vigilent to protect the natural beauty of our unique city by promoting greenspace; clean water; healthy wetlands rivers and creeks; clean streets, parks, and trails.
I want folks who will work to preserve our historic buildings and neighborhoods.
I want folks who will think of ALL the citizens as they deliberate.
I want folks who will encourage businesses and organizations that will not only provide employment but also enrich the city -- not just financially but in every way -- for Romans in 2020 and for our children and grandchildren during the century to come.
Please go vote. All nine candidates are good guys. Read about them and pick six and GO VOTE. Be a good citizen. Republics only work if citizens take their civic duties seriously.
Each voter can choose six candidates. I plan to vote for three incumbents and three challengers this time around. So far I have publicly supported one incumbent and three challengers: Sundai Stevenson for a second term and Bonny Askew, Mark Cochran, and JJ Walker Seifert for their first terms. These four were pretty easy decisions for me. I know them all pretty well and usually but not always agree with them on commission issues. Choosing the final two is a little harder for me, because that means I must eliminate at least one candidate I have previously supported. I think I'll go with two very dedicated incumbents with long experience: Milton Slack and Mayor Bill Collins. Our Second Ward commissioners (Wendy Davis, Jamie Doss, and Randy Quick) are half way through their current terms. A commission of these nine fine folks would include:
- three women and six men
- four folks in their first terms and five with at least one full term under their belts.
- four people of color and five white folks
- folks with a big range of ages
- progressives, conservatives, moderates, and hard-to-classify
Now, this is just me. The three candidates I left off the list also love Rome. I just happen to more often agree with the six I've chosen.
Regardless of the candidates you plan to vote for, please VOTE!

JJ Walker Seifert: Thanks for your support, Terrell!

Mark Cochran: I appreciate your support and vision for Rome. Thank you!

Will Seifert: I wish I could hit Like on this post six times. Very good post Terrell!

Bonny Askew: Thanks, I appreciate your support.

Chad Watson: Very insightful. I like the way you put together your list... the things you're looking for in candidates, and the reasons. I don't know them all... ...but leaning left / progressive, i can't see myself voting for conservatives, otherwise... i like the ideas of diversity you lay out.

Anita Stewart: Wow, I have never seen this photograph.....amazing

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