I have called Senator Loeffler ---(202) 224-3643 --- and Senator Perdue ---(202) 224-3521 --- daily for the last few weeks and made one last call before the vote today. I am reduced to begging. I begged each to change their intentions. To put politics behind them and stand for our Constitution. To stand for our republic. As even Republican senators Alexander and Rubio have admitted, the case has been proven. The president is guilty of trying to coerce foreign leaders to interfere in our 2020 election on his behalf. If that is not a removable offense there can be no removable offense.
Deborah Lake Dawson
I did to but it will not change things. He came out applauded the disgusting speech last night.
Jaki Day
We have done the same, Terrell Shaw. We have been calling our Senators here in TN and at one point we were getting hung up on before we said hello. It was so discouraging to think that we are not heard.
At one time we received an email from Mrs. Blackburn to just bash the Democratic House process. Sad.
Terrell Shaw Jaki Day yes, the only replies I have had from Perdue and Loeffler were highly partisan bashing e-mails rather than real responses.
Lila Moore
Well said, Terrell Shaw
Paula Dickinson Use the vote in November.
Terrell Shaw Certainly will.
George Dean I am so tired of the Hitler youth crowd/ Trumpers and their blind ambition to have a puppet in an office that will forever change the face of America...but I too tried to voice opposition....Silence is Betrayal..Dr. KIng.
Deborah Lake Dawson I am at the end of my rope. I just Don't see how we can get him out of office! I really think I want tok leave. There are places where you can spend much less and live a simple life with no crime, fresh produce and rent less than $1000 A month. I am very weary
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