Many seditious US Representatives and more than a dozen seditious US Senators just stood and applauded an effort to overthrow the vote of the American people. I am the lifelong foe of each if these traitors.CommentsJohn Lee What a disgusting act we all just witnessed. Americans do not forget. And our momentum will continue long after President Biden’s Inauguration Day. The Trumplican Party should be ashamed!
Donald Abernathy Vote
Jeremy Smith You have my saw . . .
Rhonda Ingram Bramlette Watching these tRump monkeys climbing up the Capitol stairs right now is an experience I never thought I would see.
Melanie Collette Babb This is a very scary situation and getting worse by the minute.
Buddy Childers The Republicans should all speak out condeming this vilonce. We now have three parties. The democrat,republican and trump parties. How can any Trump supporders support him after we just witnessed?
Terrell Shaw Buddy Childers I cannot understand it for the life of me Buddy. I have very close beloved relatives with whom I would have entrusted my children who STILL support this evil man and STILL believe his lies about make-believe fraud. It is just the most disappointing thing that has happened in my life. Good Lord, they think Joe Biden -- JOE BIDEN! -- is a socialist and one non-relative son of a deceased friend yesterday called Biden a "pedophile"! The Red Caps have just gone insane.
Jim Boyer The Republican Party has incited insurrection.... you Republicans ALL should be shamed.....and your representatives that have encouraged this situation need to be arrested and tried for treason
Terrell Shaw Jim Boyer I agree that Trump and perhaps Hawley should face legal issues for incitement, but the stupid, baldly self-serving, divisive, unpatriotic, unrepublican(small-r) actions regarding objecting to EC votes will have to be punished procedurally by leadership and electorally by the people.
Jim Boyer Terrell Shaw all need to be made accountable..... only if they went beyond their constitutional right to vote or “ protest”.... but NOT insurrection
Howard Smith The GOP now consists of Republicans and Trump Republicans. And any Republican holding office or who plans to run for office who does not disavow Trump is a Trump Republican. The RNC itself is clearly under the control of Trump Republicans and is therefore an anti-democratic political group that is supported by large numbers of domestic terrorists. It is not too far removed from being a white nationalist organization.
----------------------Y’all see what these idiots have fomented at our Capitol? Ted Cruz and Co. should be expelled from Congress.Emily Robinson It’s disgusting. Truly sad. What division
Margo Ash Ignorance squared.
The video feeds from our United States Capitol are a perfect image to represent the chaos and criminality of the administration of Donald John Trump. If you still support this crazed, desperate, lawless mafia don, shame on you.CommentsDonald Abernathy He should be arrested,he orchestrated this.This is treason.
Christie Hufstedler Boyd Donald Abernathy I don’t know if it’s treason but I’m positive it’s sedition.
Richard Marable Anyone who support this should be ashamed! Is this how you make America Great! Donald Trump is responsible for this! The president of the United States is responsible! He caused it ! It’s his fault! If you still support him shame on you! He needs to stop it! If not he should face criminal charges! This is in- American! Shameful!
Anne Edwards Langley Where is Homeland Security?
Katie S. Kimbrough Anne Edwards Langley probably paid off to stand back
Ellen Henderson Garrard Cult behavior. Sad that so many are so easily duped and led to do this crap.
Diann Howell Steward So disappointed in my fellow AMERICANS !
Jaki Day Yep
Margo Ash Deplorable.
Pamela Davis The juxtaposition between BLM peaceful protestors of June 2020 and domestic terroristic insurgents of Jan. 2021 are examples of how different some Americans are treated in this country.Such a sad state of affairs.
. National Guard on the Capitol steps already in place for BLM and insurgents “allowed” to overtake the Capitol.(even taking selfies with the terrorists)
Paul Culotta Pamela Davis What a contrast!
1. Trump needs to concede RIGHT NOW.2. Hawley and Cruz need to march into McConnels office and withdraw their objections.To allow these criminals to postpone the will of the People of the United States is UNACCEPTABLE.CommentsDonald Abernathy Arrest Trump.Whomever has the power to do so.
Ann Gore Yes to all!
Margo Ash Ashli Babbit's blood is on his hands.
Dear friends who like to criticize the Black Lives Matter protesters and downplay their concerns: Imagine the insurrection at our capitol had been staged today by Black Live Matter protestors. Here is what a dear friend wrote about the image of the criminal Red Hats assaulting our capitol:"...this is a perfect picture of white privilege. If the protesters were different color the bodies would be piling up. If you can’t see that you really need to hear that you are a racist."Comments
Hellene Buchanan Facts!!!!!
Diann Howell Steward Exactly!
Trude Sansbury This is the truth!
Kimberly Hart Morgan Yes!!! This!!
Robin Holt Truth. We worship whiteness in the country.
Jaki Day Exactly!!!
Jenifer Beaver Stand up and tell the truth!!
Howard Smith I posted a picture of “storm troopers” on the steps of the Capitol when BLM members converged on Washington.
Anita Stewart It is often difficult to be in someone else's shoes. It is our personal responsibility to understand and show love.
The despicable liar has finally spoken.... somewhere among his deranged lies he snuck in a quick request for those he incited to riot to go home. What a disgrace.CommentsJulie Ingram Gatanis They need to go to jail!
Rita Lawler He loves them
Delene Gray Buffington Yes a disgrace!!!
Ann Perkins Niemeier Unbelievable disgraceful!
Robin Holt Come pray with us at 5:30.
Terrell Shaw Robin Holt my heart may need some softening... I am so angry right now --- Watching Red Hats waving Trump flags and smashing windows in our CAPITOL building! We have known who Trump is for years but surely EVERYONE has known since Charlottesville.
Howard Smith I have utter contempt for Trump and all of his enablers over the past four years.
Robin Holt I am beyond disgusted and angry. God help that man. He needs it.
Terrell Shaw Howard Smith Amen.
Marion Dobbs Howard Smith And all his cultists.
Angela Greear He needs to be locked up!!!
Anne Edwards Langley But not until he repeated that the election was stolen and there was fraud
Ellice Curry-Tucker Complete disgrace!
Wanda Mulkey Dagraedt Yes, that’s one word for him. So many to choose from.
Linda Hatcher Disgusting speech from a little twit!
Vicki De Mayo-Baird Thankfully we only have 14 days, 9 hours, 41 minutes until noon January 20th of 2021
Bitsy Burton What the
“go home, we LOVE you”! He needs a straight jacket and muzzle!
Terrell Shaw Bitsy Burton Amen.
Christie Hufstedler Boyd The adjective I’ve used all along is despicable. It certainly is appropriate today.
Ralph Noble With his love of course
Margo Ash Deplorable.
Reminder: Mitch McConnell, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, etc. all sat through every word of the testimony that clearly showed the obvious criminality of Donald John Trump in the impeachment trial and chose to acquit him. Sen. Collins said the president had learned his lesson. Anyone with a sentient brain cell knew Donald Trump well enough by that time and knew he would continue and be emboldened by acquittal. This is what YOU, Republican senators, did to our republic.CommentsDiann Howell Steward Totally agree !
Melissa Pyle-Hamilton Well stated.
Margo Ash Absolutely.
Marion Dobbs 25th amendment time. Has been for a while.
Larry England I agree Terrell.They are guilty for sure.
Thomas Bavis One specific aside... In my darker hypotheticals where perhaps Jon Ossoff didn't get there, I dreaded the prospect of having to constantly court Susan Collins (&/or Murkowski) to get legislation over the finish line. And we may still have to, if there are times some Manchins or Testers defect. But now that's less of a problem, and of course we put McConnell on the bench. In the meantime, since she's not up for reelection for six years, let's just keep playing that clip of Collins saying trump "learned his lesson."
Ralph Davis In the midst of all this political turmoil created by Trump, I must say that the speech McConnell gave at the opening of the debate to accept the electoral votes was admirable. I compare it to McCain’s disputing false accusations against Obama. No matter the rhetoric and infighting, we are ALL AMERICANS who must stand up for justice, truth and upholding the ideals of OUR Democracy irregardless of party
Sherry Dyal Agree!
Alan Hoal
And, "Let's march to the capitol, we can't be weak we must be strong" Then later, "I understand your pain, the election was stolen, you are great people, I love you?"
Jodi Henderson
And it will be another covid super spreader event.
Susan Polkinghorn
Jodi Henderson Darwinism at work.
Jodi Henderson
Tragically, it won’t stay with those who made the choice to gather maskless in a mob. They will bring it back to their communities & share wherever they stop along the way.
Robin Holt
Treason. Arrest and take them to trial.
Tracy S Lawler One person was shot, but 3 more died from medical-related emergencies.
Jeri Carter And now a Capitol policeman has died from injuries sustained when he was beaten with bricks by the terrorists storming the Capitol.
Ruth Demeter
He really brought it today
Terrell Shaw
I am sleep deprived and my emotions are near the surface when I am in that state... but I teared up during this speech. I am just so thankful that we have this good man to replace the current monstosity in only a few days.
Ruth Demeter
Lots of us are crying a bunch today
Jeri Carter
Very Presidential--we are in good hands....
"Today's violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump. His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice. Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country.” -James Mattis
Jeremy Smith
I’ve been honoring the shit out of them:)They’re going to be tired of all the honoring!
Jaki Day
Loved it..
Vicki De Mayo-Baird
I heard him and was in awe of his words and character. Just heard that the standing ovation was only by the Democrats. And just now hearing that the 25th amendment is looking good to some Republican cabinet members and are holding preliminary talks . What is this, a sunrise? Hoping so.
Alan Hoal
I hate to say this but, I am afraid that it was just this kind of thing that was needed to make some folks realize the monster that they have created, and it still may not be enough. I understand that Hawley and others still plan to object.
Margaret Iva Ashton
Mitt Romney is one of the few Republicans who has not completely lost his mind during this administration. He has retained a sense of integrity.
Jaki Day
Margaret Iva Ashton he has maintained his integrity and his courage. He is constantly harassed for standing up for what is right.
Margaret Iva Ashton
Jaki Day I hope that once things have settled down (whenever that may be), people will realize that he was steadfast and put country over party at a time when it was so much easier to get on the Trump train.
Jaki Day Margaret Iva Ashton I do too
Donald Abernathy
The worst shame of it all.After the attack on the capital,after seeing what Trump lies have done to our country,over one hundred Republicans still voted to spread his election fraud lies to incite people to believe in his lies.
Margo Ash
It took this to make the Rethug politicians act like an adult? Deplorable.
Jim Marshall
Based on what I saw today in an interview with 2 it-rump woman supporters these people are so far down the rabbit hole there is little chance they will ever change.
Bob Doster
Don't y'all be loving on Romney. Look at how he votes. He just says nice things. He doesn't do nice things.
Karen Lagow
I have tried to tell them the truth. They refuse to listen and just throw back Newsmax and conspiracy theories. They are already saying the people who invaded the Capitol were Antifa in disguise.
Anne Edwards Langley I agree, but these people don’t believe the truth now. He has indoctrinated them with lies for so long, even with his Twitter statement that they don’t represent America; they said he didn’t say that
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