Sunday, September 22, 2024

"Black Nazi"

This post started as a comment on Mark Robinson. But I really needed to say more.

The “Black Nazi” (self described) is the MAGA nominee for governor of North Carolina. He, like every American Nazi that I am aware of, is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump. Remember him? He’s the guy who said there were good people on both sides when Nazis and their allies demonstrated in Charlottesville. He’s the guy who told the “Proud Boys” to “Stand down and stand by”. He’s the fellow who sat gleefully watching the televised mayhem at our capitol on January 6, 2021 and lifted not a finger to stop it for hours. And he is the one who lifted the “Black Nazi” to the MAGA nomination for governor of North Carolina. Did Trump care about the extreme and stupid comments of his preferred candidate? Nope. Robinson was loyal to Trump, and Trump, ever the transactional wannabe autocrat, welcomed him with open arms and propelled him to the nomination.
Did Trump know anything about Hershell Walker other than his football prowess and his loyally to the MAGA leader? I doubt it.
Did he care what vile words came from the mouth of Kari Lake? Or Marjorie Taylor Greene? Or Lauren Boebert? Nope. They were loyal to him. That is all that matters.
Does Trump care about abortion? Evangelical Christainity? Middle and lower class Americans? You and I know he does not care a whit about any of these beyond what they can do for him. As soon as it became obvious that he was losing votes because of abortion bans he backed off of them. There is no there there when it comes to Trump principles except for one: what he perceives as best for himself at that moment.
I honestly am bewildered that any thinking person could support this criminal to reclaim the seat of Washington, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Ike, Reagan, Obama et al.
It is such a joy to be able to wholeheartedly support Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz. Both patriots. Both honor our military and our fallen heroes. Both have long careers in public service. Both have the strong support of those who know them best and have worked most closely with them.
I don’t have to make any excuses before I speak out for my candidates, as every Trump supporter that I know of does when you ask them about their candidate. They say “I don’t like his language but…”, “I know he is no saint, but…”, “Yes he’s a convicted criminal but…”, “January six was horrible, but…” , “Yes he said terrible things about John McCain and other heroes, but…” “yes he faked bone spurs but…” “Yes a jury found him to be a rapist, but…” “Yes, more of his former aides, military advisors, and cabinet members oppose him that any president in history, but…”
As the pandemic ended and the resulting worldwide inflation set in, many economists predicted a recession in the US. But the Biden/Harris administration got careful advice, and without regard to politics, set about working on solutions. The inflation was terrible, but their measures kept us out of recession, created record numbers of jobs, boosted our economy to record levels, boosted incomes faster than the terrible worldwide inflation drove up prices, produced a building renaissance for businesses, increased domestic manufacturing to the best level in decades, has spurred infrastructure projects in all fifty states, lowered prescription drug costs, and now even inflation has come way down. Overcoming the mess they inherited has not been easy but their efforts are working.
And in international affairs they worked to restore America’s reputation in the world. They built back our alliances that Trump had all but destroyed. They stood up to Putin and other autocrats. Even this week they have worked to strengthen our alliances with India, Japan, and Australia.
I am so proud to work as a small part of the campaign to turn the page on the dark era of Trump chaos and hatred and see new hopeful, patriotic leadership — willing to even work “across the aisle” — as my generation gives way to that of my children and grandchildren.

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