Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gleaning Facebook: New Lifestyle

OK, back to the diet. Reckon I can get back to the weight of the young guy above? I'm down 22.8 pounds currently. 18.2 pounds to go. It's gotten harder the last couple of weeks.

Kendra L Harris
OMG, LOVE the profi
le pic! That's the Mr. Shaw I remember! pastedGraphic.png

Warren Lathem
Congratulations. Now if you could just lose the extra political weight you are carrying...Blessings to you.

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
That's funny Warren! Don't believe it's going to happen though. You hang on to your politics, Terrell, and I'll hang in there with you.

Jim Achmoody
How do you lose any weight--what's the secret?

Martin Penland Teem
I lost 50# in 2007. Unfortunately i have found it all.

Nancy Johal Singh
you look great and I know you could do it....plus you will probably get lots of exercise at the camp grounds...

Terrell Shaw
Thanks all for your support. I'm headed to camp for three days with a hundred plus fourth graders. I'll walk off lots of calories these three days, but unfortunately (?) they have great food in bottomless bowls at Nature's Classroom: I'll replace each calorie burned and then some probably! But calories don't count at camp. I'm just gonna try to be non-gluttonous. Then back on track when I return.
Marty, I've found lost weight many times over the years. This time I am DETERMINED that I am not on a diet, I am changing my lifestyle. I set goals, celebrate, but get back at it the next day. I will occasionally feast. But every feast will be balanced by a time of extra exercise, fasting or, at worst, a deficit of calories to match the increased calories of the feast.
That's the plan. And it continues as long as I do.

Jim Geist
Check out the O.A. website. OverEaters Anonymous. They say cut out sugar & flour....eat only three meal a day with no snacking (or 5-6 meals a day within your calorie count ex. 1800 calories). Good Luck!

Terrell Shaw
I'll check that out Jim. Thanks. BTW I'll have both my daughters up your way this summer. Brannon has been there for four years in Astoria, nannying (in NJ) and acting. Lillian graduates this weekend from Mercer U. in journalism and photography and heads to Queens to intern at the Museum of the Moving Image.

Jim Geist
I use to live at 34-09 41 St. Apt. 3C in Astoria...literally 3 blocks away from the Musuem of Moving Image. It is undergoing renovation now. I currently live in nothern NJ now.

Rhonda Ingram Bramlette
You are doing an admirable job, Mr. Shaw. Keep up the good attitude, it looks like it's paying off! pastedGraphic_1.png

Terrell Shaw
Small world, huh Jim! My eldest used to live just around the block from MMI at Broadway and 46th.

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