Monday, July 25, 2011

Gleaning Facebook: Fiscal Conservatives?

 "I consistently ranked as one of the most fiscally conservative members of Congress over my four terms and never voted for a tax increase... But... politics is the art of the possible... any Republican who squanders the chance to cut $4 trillion from our debt in exchange for $1 trillion in tax loopholes is no conservative in my book. It’s time to tell Americans the truth. " - former Rep Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

This is what I have been trying to communicate to the right for some time. There are certain facts:
• Republicans control the House and most have signed a pledge NEVER to raise taxes -- which explains the trillions of dollars of debt from two wars fought on credit.
• Democrats control the Senate and will not contemplate radical spending cuts, especially to social safety net programs
• A default on the debt would be catastrophic to the economy according to the vast majority of legislators and economists.
Therefore we have a choice between compromise and catastrophe. Democrats have offered serious compromises on spending - upwards of $3 Trillion. When will the Republicans get serious and offer something in return? This self-inflicted crisis is already damaging our economy further.

Mary Caldwell
Well, know actually spend time THINKING...and your concern is for rational evolution towards a more equitable future for us all, but for heaven's sake-you don't really think we can explain this to those freshmen morons in Washington do you?
They are not morons, Mary. They are economic extremists. Despite much evidence to the contrary they believe that reducing taxes always improves the economy for everyone. It is a religious certainty to them. Didn't work for St. Reagan. Didn't work for Bush, Jr. But it is none-the-less settled fact in their minds. I suppose they will be satisfied when we are once again a nineteenth century agrarian society where, basically, all the wealth is in the hands of a few financial barons.

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