Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gleaning Facebook: Vote!

"… cynicism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you succumb to it, the regressives who want to take this nation back to the 19th century win it all." - Robert Reich.
Next Tuesday is a day for voting. Likely a very small percentage of those who read these words will vote. They will cynically accept the reasoning that voting doesn't matter. On the very day when their individual vote is the most powerful (a primary run-off election generally provokes the least voter participation) most of you will surrender your blood-earned franchise to the political junkies like me.
Go vote. Even if you are a Tea Party regressive or a rabid all-out socialist, prove me wrong. Go vote. If you are gonna get misty-eyed in a few weeks when you stand with your ball cap over your heart while the high-school band plays the "Star Spangled Banner" at Barron Stadium, then for Heaven's sake put your sorry carcass where your tears are. If you are going to stand and devoutly recite your allegiance to a republic, be a small-r republican. Go vote.
No waiting in line (but do take ID). Walk right in.

7 a.m-7 p.m., Tuesday, July 22, at a precinct near you.


Melanie Collette Babb
Who would you recommend: Kingston or Perdue?

Terrell Shaw
Melanie, I don't like either one. Each is trying to out-Tea-Party the other. But if I were choosing a GOP ballot, I guess I'd take Purdue as a little less repugnant. At least I haven't heard him talking up impeachment of the president, like Kingston has.
I will vote for Michelle Nunn in the General Election.

Melanie Collette Babb

Thanks, Terrell. I will definitely be voting for Nunn in the general election. 

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