Sunday, August 31, 2014


 My lesser angels wish I could live long enough to give a snide ITYS to my right wing friends when their "conservative" posterity praise the very measures the current right wing so vehemently opposes, as the current right wing celebrates an end to segregation, the passage of Social Securty, the sanctity of Medicare. etc.

Peter King's tan suit comments are emblematic of the IOKIYAR attitude of many of my hard right friends. It's OK for Romney, Carson, Bush, etc. and many others on the right to support all sorts of positions - immigration reform or health insurance reform, for example - but President Obama in the eyes of the hard right is wrong regardless of what he proposes or does. He can't even get a pass on his wardrobe. "The president in jeans? Outrageous. What's with the tan suit? Disgraceful!"

John Paul Schulz
 This is just so totally disgraceful. Our country is going to the Dogs. Would Washington, Jefferson, or John Adams have worn such as this?

Terrell Shaw

Next thing you know we'll have presidents in powdered wigs! What frou-frou!

Sam Burnham
I'm with my friend Alan from Pinstripe Pulpit on this one. Really, the only thing remotely wrong with that suit was perhaps the occasion it was chosen for. 

I don't understand the uproar over the suit. We get too caught up in surface issues. People should focus on policy. There are plenty of disasters that are seriously driving our country in the wrong direction in the hands of this failed president. Picking at his suit is silly and superficial. 

John Paul Schulz

It was not polite to trash Mr.Shaw's post. 

Sam Burnham

I think the powdered wig thing might be pretty cool. LOL 

John Paul Schulz

That's better, Sam. 

Terrell Shaw
Facebook needs to add a "line Item 'Like'" so I can respond appropriately to Sam. 

There were some things good about the Confederacy. 

Sam Burnham
I was thinking similarly about your post here.
We have got to learn to deal with politicians based on policy. Not suits, skin tones, birth certificates, type of pets owned, beard or no beard, speaking style, etc. 

What is the substance of their policy? That's what matters. 

John Paul Schulz
Agreed. And I think history will show Mr. Obama to have been one of the most perceptive, caring, and careful presidents ever.
Sam Burnham

I couldn't disagree more, but I do so on my perceptions of policy, decisions, and incompetence, not his choice of suits. 

John Carlin

It should be like NASCAR. They should have all their corporate sponsors displayed on their clothes. 


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