Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Everyone lies; some folks are liars.

I forgot for a moment that I was responding on someone else's Facebook wall and not my own, and got carried away. Comments on others' walls should be short and polite, IMO. So I'm gonna put this here instead.

This was prompted when a friend of a friend, objecting to notes about our liar-in-chief, asked if we realized other presidents had lied. This is the response I have since deleted as too long to put on another's wall...
True, sir, that all our presidents have been mortals, fallen humans. Like you and me, they have each prevaricated. Though I revere Washington I know he made serious errors as a general, lived in relative ease as his men suffered through Valley Forge, and even held many fellow humans in bondage.
I know that from Washington's literally unprecedented presidency through that of Barack Obama, another of my favorites, who exaggerated (very slightly but exaggerate he did) the ability of folks to keep very bad insurance policies in place under the ACA, presidents have fibbed, exaggerated, or even flat-out lied. Of course.
BUT if you, sir, think that the lies of Presidents Washington through Obama rank in number or degree in a class with the daily excrement of Donald Trump's verbiage, then I suppose he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue (etc., etc., etc.)

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