Monday, October 22, 2012

Gleaning Facebook: The Presidential Debate

Post 1:


Dawn N Luke Andrews
Looks like a bag of empty rhetoric that better hold on tight because there is a rising tide about to sweep his smirking, adolescent behind right out of Washington

Terrell Shaw
You continue your astute, mature evaluations. I'm almost convinced Luke. Keep trying. 


Dawn N Luke Andrews
No delusions are beyond reason in your adoration of this man. His behavior last night was evidence of his adolescent, petulant nature....smirking or scowling the whole time and looking far less presidential than his opponent. Fortunately, this will all be over in 2 weeks and we can begin a true recovery from the damage of the man-child in chief.

John Countryman
I appreciate the comic relief…

Steven Bell
a true recovery...ah


Post 2:

Great job, Mr. President. Romney played defense all night. Romney continues to deny his previous positions. And did I hear him right? Romney doesn't know Iran has a coastline?


Greg McCary
Romney looked bad. He sounded tired. I think he lost it tonight.

Wanda Mulkey Dagraedt
Yep.. You're right on the coastline.

George Barton
I think I know where the Syria connection came from. During WWII, Iran was considered the USSR's path to the sea, to be re-supplied by the allies for their fight on the eastern front. The allies took over Iran and put the Shah in place to insure this route, and this was the beginnings of our problems with Iran. Romney just didn't quite remember this bit of history, but he was probably in the 8th grade when he learned it.

Patricia Canada
Terrell, I love you dearly. but if Obama is elected president the world will surely come to an end.

Terrell Shaw
If one listens to the right wing you'd think that, Pat. It's hilarious till you think of how sad it is that so many folks swallow that nonsense and really fear the fine young President who has led so ably through the recent economic crisis and also led the battle so successfully against al Qaeda.

Dan Bevels
Iran does in fact have a coastline. That's where our troops Biden was referring to were posted.


Post 3:

"If the debate had continued another thirty minutes Romney would have endorsed the President." - (CNN guy whose name I can't remember)


Howard Smith

Ain't that the truth!


Post 4:


Rodney Karstetter
The GOP is stating the President was trying to draw Mitt into a fight, but Mitt did not take the bait. LOL Drawing Mitt into a fight was not what Obama was doing. Why would Obama attempt to draw some one totally unqualified to be president into a fight. What President Obama was doing was clearly stating his record on Foriegn policy, and it is not the President's fault that Romney is so weak in foriegn affairs that all he could do was say he agreed with Obama, and his policies. It is not the President's fault that Mitt did not know that Iran was not a land locked country and it was Obvious that he was thinking of Iran as being Russia's access to the Sea. It was not the Presidents fault that Mitt's thinking of building up the Navy of pre WWII. The Presidents comments were so on point. "Govenor we have less horses and Bayonets" LOL this was a great revealing debate of how unqualified Romney is to be President.

J. Chris Lawler
And Obama is qualified? he has proven for the past 4 years he isn't.

Rodney Karstetter
J. I think you should stop watching FOX news and look into what the President has accomplished. The President has proven more qualified than the man he replaced these last 4 years. And tonight he has proven that Mitt is not remotely qualified to be the Commander and Chief when once again he did not mention the Veterans. He whole hartedly endorsed Obama tonight so you tell me then J. if Mitt agrees and Endorsed Obama's policies in foriegn policy and Obama is not qualified how scary then would it be to elect this guy. The Republicans should have ran a better candidate not this guy. So if you want what is right for this country and not what's right for the Republican Party who has moved to far to the right. The best choice in this election is Obama. This debate has shown this fact in bright neon flashing lights.

Terrell Shaw
Chris I sometimes wonder if my friends on the right live in a completely different realm. Four years ago:

- we were on the verge of depression

- al Qaeda was strong and Bin Laden was alive

- the US auto industry was on the verge of collapse

- our reputation in the world was at the lowest point at least since the early seventies.

- we were the only major industrialized nation without universal healthcare insurance.

- Mubarek & Gaddafi were in power

And the President's successes came despite unprecedented stonewalling by the Republicans.
And tonight the President was calm, friendly, thoughtful, factual, and forceful. His answers were responsive, eloquent, and accurate. Romney was weak, waffling from many previous stances, and came close to completely endorsing the President on foreign policy except for a few blatant untruths like the "apology" falsehood.

Rodney Karstetter
What these debates have truely proven imo is that Romeny is trying to show he relates to the middle class and the common man. However, his only experience he can draw upon is his youth when his father was making a better life for his family. It is amazing that his veiws of America are based not in the present but in the past. Obama strongly pointed that out tonight. Romney's policies for the milatary are from pre WWII, his views for the economy are from the 20s and his views on equal rights are that of the 50s. This is how Romney has to relate to the common man because he does not represent the common man of 2012.

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