Friday, February 03, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Where's My Pay?

 I am beginning to get really annoyed. I have protested Trump in every way I can for months, and that dadblamed Soros has not cut me a check yet! The rest of you guys are getting paid; the President says so. Who can you trust if not the President? Right? So where is my check?!!!!

Ivy Elizabeth Holt Morris
I didn't know you could be a professional anarchist!

Laurie Craw
Even anarchists have to eat and pay the rent. lol

Ivy Elizabeth Holt Morris
I'm just wondering where to send my resume?

David Matheny
Anarchists Union says they can "Anarch" with a 1-hour LunchBreak and a 15-minute Coffee Break in the Morning and Afternoon.

Howard Smith
Guys, I have had no problem having my anarchist checks direct deposited into an offshore account, then I convert them to a foreign currency with which I buy gold coins through a European contact and then have them brought back with a friend who still has his visa and then I trade them back here for cash and am now buying as much defense industry related stock based on a tip from someone inside the new administration...its all good. The circle of life, so to speak.

Michael J. Burton
I want in

Laurie Craw
Now wait. Trump is the one who paid people to attend his BIG announcement to run for president and cheer and he had paid staffers attend his press conference AND his CIA visit to clap and cheer his remarks. But oh well. He lies. He lies. He can't help himself, bless his heart..

Neal Brackett
You don't know the secret handshake? I thought you were better connected than that.

Michael J. Burton
I understand that Koch is now funding Republican opposition to Trump.

Raymond Atkins
Just got back from the mailbox....sigh.

Suanne Bierman Laqueur
Courage. Maybe Monday.

Laurie Craw
During the civil rights movement and Vietnam War protests, the conventional "wisdom" was that the thousands of citizens in the streets were "communist-inspired" or "the work of outside agitators." Of course, there were some radicals on the fringes and mentally unstable individuals and common criminal types in the mix, just as there are in any mass movement, right or left. But the fringe groups and nutcases can't explain why suburban schoolteachers, grandmothers and veterans take to the streets today.

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