Saturday, February 25, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Why This Is Different

Special Note: This is a statement of my opinion. That's the primary use I choose to make of my Facebook page. I have no interest in debate on this topic, since I believe the final sentence below. Disagree? That's your right. Rant on your own wall, not mine. Don't want to read this stuff? Then don't; Facebook has an "unfollow" option.
The president was the choice of fewer Americans than his opponent. As a matter of fact he lost the vote of the people more clearly than George W. Bush in 2000 or John Kerry in 2004, Richard Nixon in 1960, Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and several other major candidates in our history. But that's not why I actively resist him and his administration.
The president defeated a candidate that I supported wholeheartedly. But I also supported Hubert Humphrey in '68, Jimmy Carter in '80, Al Gore in 2000, each probably with even more heart and soul. That's not why I actively resist him and his administration.
This president espouses views I abhor. But, regarding actual stated policy positions, I probably had even more disagreements with Reagan and the Bushes. That's not why I actively resist him and his administration.
I, of course, would work to oppose many of the policies of any Republican administration. But I go farther in this case. I not only will oppose, I will actively resist, peacefully and ethically (reserving the rights Jefferson so poetically stated in the Declaration) just as I would a Nazi or Communist president.
Why do I actively resist this man and his administration?
His unrelenting dishonesty is part of it. Russian tampering with our election and his encouragement of it (documented) and possible collusion with it (undocumented) is part of it. His personal history of multiple frauds and admitted sexual predation are parts of it. His mental and emotional disabilities are part of it. His incompetence and ignorance are parts of it. DeVos and Bannon and Pruitt are parts of it. The environmental disaster he is abetting is part of it. The Muslim ban and now the media bans are, perhaps, the final straws. But the real reason is embedded in all those things together, unprecedented in the 44 previous occupants of the office, and stated here by Tapper.

Donald J. Trump is, plainly, objectively, unAmerican. 




Rhonda Ingram Bramlette
I absolutely agree. It seems his mission is to repeal and destroy everything we hold dear as American citizens. And his Policies ? I'm not sure he has any. He has an agenda. And it looks a lot like fascism.

Ann Gore

Laura L Adams
He calls legitimate news sources fake. Negative press is "fake." Yet the leader of Breitbart Propaganda sits on a Security Council, and the founder of InfoWars Conspiracy Delusions is a welcome guest.
This is like a bad movie...

Stuart Bennett
Wholeheartedly agree well stated!

Raymond Atkins
I thought we as a nation were too smart to be trained to salivate only when Trump rings the bell. Of course, I also thought we as a nation were too smart to vote for this shell of a human in the first place. So what the hell do I know?

Helen Keefer
I love that first sentence... think I will adopt it.

Joan Ledbetter
So well put, Terrell!

George Anderson
Protect the First Amendment! Protect freedom of speech & freedom of the press!

Ralph Noble

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