Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Walter Mondale has died.

Vice President Walter Mondale died today at the age of 93. 

Of the vice presidents who never made the transition to President, I contend that Fritz Mondale was the most consequential. He and Jimmy Carter were a true team and transformed the Vice Presidency from John Nance Garner's "bucket of warm spit" to the Presidents' closest confidant. They put Mondale's office right in the West Wing with the president and made him the last person to advise the President on any issue. Most Vice Presidents since then have had similar access and power, especially Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

I am proud to say that I worked hard in 1983 and 1984 to do my little part, here in northwest Georgia, to make Walter Mondale President of the United States. America would be in a much stronger position today had we managed to succeed, I believe. 

Sheila was pregnant with our first child when she and I and others met with Mondale in Kennesaw early in his campaign. He met with about 25 or 35 of us in a home there, and after speaking with us and taking some questions we enjoyed some barbecue and he took a little time with each of us. All I really remember is a brief exchange about our shared experience as Methodist PKs (preacher's kids). He was an easy person to talk with, who seemed to listen and respond genuinely. Later I ran as a Mondale supporter for delegate to the '84 convention. I didn't get to serve in that job, a loss that I regret more than my loss that same year in my only race as a candidate for office myself. 

Walter Mondale was a decent man, a principled leader, an American statesman. 

(L-R) Mildred Greear, Sheila Shaw, Terrell Shaw, Walter Mondale, Philip Greear, Jim Williams

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