Saturday, November 09, 2013

Gleaning Facebook: The Angry Right

The hard right is so angry. Why? I think it must be that they see that they are losing. They may win a race here and there, but the long-term trend is clear. We are a moderate country, trending more toward the middle and then slightly left than the reverse. Democrats have garnered the most votes for Congress in general the last few years and the GOP controls the House only because of Gerrymandering. Democratic presidential candidates have garnered the most votes in five of the last six elections. The polls show most Americans agree more with Democratic platforms than with GOP platforms consistently.
We have a President who is, by personality and demeanor, a very conservative person. But by intellect he is moderately liberal in the tradition of FDR, Truman, Stevenson, JFK, LBJ, HH, McGovern, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry. To characterize our president as some wild aberration is patently absurd.
The hard right makes wild accusations about our motives. They can read our minds and now perceive that we are out to destroy wealth and create Democratic voters. Well, yes, we hope voters will choose us. And yes we believe that extreme concentration of wealth is a recipe for tyranny or revolution. But we support civil equality, universal healthcare, strong financial markets, a thriving middle class, environmental regulation, strong infrastructure, and progressive taxation because we believe that is best for our economy, our nation, ourselves, our children, our posterity.
A challenge to my friends on the right: Post on your walls your beliefs and your program for a strong future. Make arguments. Support them with evidence. Quit trying to smear those of us who disagree. We the People usually, at least eventually, see the ad hominem arguments for what they are.

Chris Goodwin
R u smearing?

Raymond Atkins
And quit with the vitriol, the hate, and the personal attacks on those who don't believe as you do.

Wayne Jones
Raymond who are you talking to? Surely it isn't the same group that made W to be history's greatest monster, who accused him of orchestrating 911, who accused him of knowing that Sadaam didn't have weapons of mass destruction, and who still accuse him of all that's wrong with the country 5 years after he left office. Not the same people who have raked Sarah Palin across the coals, attributing quotes to her that she never said, making her a laughing stock. Not the same people who cold called our elderly across the country, especially in Florida, scaring them into voting for Obama by telling them that Romney was going to get rid of Medicare, Social Security, etc. Surely not the people who have not targeted Ted Cruz and other tea partiers as the new greatest monsters, simply because they have a different viewpoint and mindset. Surely not the people who have targeted those groups for audit? Surely not the President who willingly and knowingly lied to the American people about the new Health Care System, and is doing his best to spin his way out of it now? I saw Harry Truman referred to earlier. I refer to two of his most famous sayings. "The buck stops here". "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Raymond Atkins
Sounds like I'm talking to you...

Wayne Jones
That's what I thought.

Beckie Gurley
Democrats in this area must live in quiet silence or else we are accused of being baby killers who support free loaders. That is so far from the truth. I am a democrat. I can't stand lazy people sucking off the government. And I am against abortion. But I also believe some people do need help. And I do think our system is flawed, just like our tax system is flawed. But I think if grown adults started acting like statesmen and not politicians these problems could be fixed.

Wayne Jones
Becky, neither side has a copyright on moral outrage. Or clean hands in the political arena, for that matter. Most of us, if we have the inate ability to be free thinkers instead of blind followers, would admit to beliefs which would be diametrically opposed to those we seemingly are on the "same side" as. Many folks who share my economic views would be greatly opposed to some of my views on social issues, for instance. I haven't agreed totally with a single President in my lifetime about everything they did, while I greatly supported one or more things they did. But I absolutely loath the politicians and supporters who have no problems bashing their opponents unmercifully and then cry about disrespect when they get it back. That attitude, more than any other, is what has pushed me more right of center through the years. Especially when media and entertainment types, more times than not in positions that should be neutral, join in the fray. But that's me.

Doyal Cape
someone please explain to me how anyone can support a President when he opens his mouth, a lie just jumps out. you people need to get off the cool-aid and see what kind of idiot is (trying) to run this country...

Beckie Gurley
Most people believe everything they read on Facebook. And the media likes to give only half of the facts. Years ago when my father died in an accident at work our local paper ran an article that was completely false. I learned then at a young age the media and journalist aren't out for the truth. They want what will sell. I'm not drink any kool aid. I just look at what makes sense.

Wayne Jones
Just always keep an open mind, Becky. That's the key.

Beckie Gurley
Yep, and don't believe everything you hear or

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