Sunday, November 03, 2013

Gleaning Facebook: Beginning a Month of Thankfulness.

I'm late getting to this thankfulness stuff, but why not? Catching up:

Nov. 1 - I am thankful for consciousness and pledge to work at explicit enjoyment of it through the five tools I teach my kindergartners -- touch, taste, sound, scent, and sight.
Nov. 2 - I am thankful for the inner senses that organize consciousness and make it worthwhile: story, song, desire, dance, imagination, light & dark & nuance, ("What good is light without a dark to stick it in?" - Arlo Guthrie) color, flavor, loyalty, love.
Nov. 3 - (All Saints' Day) Those who have gone before: each of the millions of my forebears who have contributed to the me that I am, the millions of Americans who have contributed to the America of 2013, to those who have loved me, and whom I have loved, who are gone from earth but whose work continues in my life - especial my father, my grandparents, and Sheila's parents. And to the saints we celebrated in church this morning - especially Nell Candler and Frances Hancock who, with their husbands were friends to my parents and me and great examples for Christ on Earth of love and marriage, and Ingrid McConkey who gave me two great students and whose love inspired a good guy to be better (by his own testimony), Dale McConkey.

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