Thursday, June 01, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Ditching the Paris Climate Agreement

 "This is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the very land we live on at stake." - Tim Shiflett


Don Henderson
Having an attitude contrary to science, and what the rest of civilized society maintains, doesn't make you a John Wayne, it makes you a bloody fool.


Don Henderson
Hey, Mr.Dump, what about the future of our clean air and water? #covfefe

MaryAnn Blankenship Turner
We are known by the company we keep.


Ann Gore
Does not say good things about USA!

Don Henderson
I'm glad I'm not a US citizen....oh wait 


Jackson Thomas Witsell
I'm so excited to spend my retired years on Mars!

Jamie Fergerson
And to be fair, Nicaragua didn't join because they thought the deal didn't go far enough. So it's really just Syria on our side.

Don Henderson
Syria didn't join because they were in the midst of a civil war. So it's just us.


I stood all I could stand. The man is not smart. He is not even sane.


Tim Shiflett
I watch the highlights. I cannot stomach to watch him, live. I have looked at every live thing every President in my lifetime has done. Not this one..........

Terrell Shaw
He literally makes me sick to my stomach. That our system would allow a minority demagogue to wreak havoc in this way is disgusting. We must reform our elections to avoid more of these accidental presidents.

Terri Morgan
I cannot understand how any well-reasoned, thoughtful, kind, compassionate person could look to this man and be inspired. I just can't.

Terrell Shaw
He has "inspired" me, Terri, --- inspired such revulsion in me that it has endangered decades-long friendships. He does not represent the America I love.

Terri Morgan
I agree. People I have always known to be wonderful people who offer up undying support for that man totally befuddle me. It hurts my heart and my soul.

David Alan Hicks
That's why I frequently hashtag "Up the Republic", that was the battle cry of the IRA during the troubles in which the Nation was seperated into the Republic and the 6 county free staters. So...#UpTheRepublic applies now!

Rhonda Ingram Bramlette
And yet I just got a comment on my outrage post from a tRumper asking me to explain "what difference does it make" re today's news. Exasperating that those who still support this man can't be bothered to do their own research and get the facts before trying to argue their point.

Ray Barton
I have promised myself that the only time I will watch him on television is at his impeachment. I'm sticking to that pledge.

Sharon Clark
The problem is that he is smart but acts dumbed down and he loves this kind of turmoil...has loved it, all his public life

Anthony Vinson
Smart? I dunno. He possesses a certain type of intelligence certainly, and it has served him well, but it is a narrow and specific sort of intelligence. In Jim Collins's research (See Good to Great, 2001), Donald is a hedgehog. He knows one trick and uses it consistently. Regardless, he is temperamentally unqualified for the office he currently holds, and lacks the type of intelligence required to perform even adequately as POTUS. He has made no effort that I can tell to learn and grow into the office, preferring instead to stick with his single trick, and it ain't working...

Sharon Clark
I agree unfortunately it's working well enough to gain him immense power and wealth (through back channels and family ties)

Terrell Shaw
I have seen it written that Trump would have more money today had he invested the money his father left him in the stock market and spent his life on a private island somewhere living off his profits.

Sharon Clark
Too bad he didn't

Ishmael Williams
I don't think he's very smart. He doesn't read, he uses 4th grade sentence structure, he can't seem to learn anything even intell, he can't ever admit he is wrong - that's dumb - successful people don't double down on dumb. I bet he has been learning disabled all his life cushioned by money. No one who brags he is a deal maker would show up for meetings so woefully unprepared of the issues and the stakeholders as when he had to have North Korea explained by China. He might have some skill in manipulating people to sell them crap but he's not using those skills to do anything more than enrich himself.

Terrell Shaw
Ishmael Williams

Melissa Pyle-Hamilton
I am right there with you, Terrell. The sight of him, the thought of him, and the sound of his voice make me heave.

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