Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Wendy Davis for Congress

(To read this article from the Rome News-Trbune click the photo below.)

Rome City Commissioner Wendy Davis

I am so proud of our friend and Rome City Commissioner Wendy Davis for taking on this challenge. She has a tough seventeen months ahead of her. But our city and county and Northwest Georgia at large needs a representative in Congress who makes sense and listens and is interested in actually representing all the people of our area. After years of outstanding leadership on the Rome City Commission Wendy has support from Democrats and, yes, some Republicans, from business folks AND their employees, from all races and creeds. With Wendy working for us in Congress we will not cringe when our Congresswoman appears on the evening news. We won't have to worry that Wendy will be spouting absurd conspiracy theories or neo-fascism or Qanonsense. Wendy grew up here. She has spent her career here. We know Wendy and she knows us. She won't be endlessly chasing headlines or spouting lies. We know Wendy Davis will be measured, pragmatic, honest, articulate... reasonable.

It's no shoo-in, of course -- even against the likes of Majorie Taylor Greene -- but oh how good it will be to have someone on the ballot I can so proudly support. We could have no better candidate than Wendy Davis.
As Ben Franklin famously declared, we have a republic, if we can keep it. I believe citizenship in a republic demands eternal vigilance; we must pay attention. You can count on seeing occasional links to Wendy's campaign messages and to her donation page on my Facebook feed between now and the 2022 election. I hope you will help by sharing her messages and making what donations you can.

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