Saturday, April 08, 1972

Georgia Association of Educators


I think this was my first Georgia Association of Educators convention at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta. Dr. Nevin Jones was principal at Model High School. I attended with my principal, Judson Frost. I will remain a member of GAE for the rest of my career. I am proud of the work I did later as a member, president of our local, Floyd County Assn. of Educators, as delegate to the state convention many times, to the national NEA convention once, as chair of political action efforts in Floyd County and in the Seventh Congressional District, and especially for a detailed survey of Floyd County teachers that I chaired which resulted some important recommendations to the Floyd County Board of Education.

I accidentally left my briefcase at the Hyatt during this convention, and despite a drive back to the hotel from Rome, I was never able to retrieve it.

I am not sure whether this is from 1972 or perhaps a year or two later.

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