Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Gleaning Facebook: High Crimes? Where?

 If you are one of the majority ---- yes, polls say a MAJORITY --- of Republican voters who believe the president should be impeached --- IMPEACHED, it has come to the point that the Tea Party types think disagreement with them is an impeachable offense ---- put up, or shut up. If the GOP, in a 20 year span, impeaches two presidents on weak to non-existent grounds I believe they will finally be finished as a major national party.

Young folks, are you paying attention? Vote the crazy right out in November.
If you vote in the Republican primary (sheesh!) please put a political end to the likes of Jack Kingston.
Impeachment? What nonsense.


David Marlin Rains "Impeaches two presidents" should be corrected to "impeaches the last two democratically-elected Democratic Presidents." Repubs do not believe in "democracy as the will of the People" nor in "elections have consequences." Perhaps they will hold their breath and roll on the floor until they get what they want.
Sam Burnham You and I are mostly going to agree on this one. Impeachment is a nuclear option that should only be used in extreme cases of obvious criminal activity. It wasn't right with Clinton and I don't support it now. I don't agree with Obama on policy and I do believe he has shown a disregard for the Constitution but that is why we have separation of powers. Impeachment is one tool in checks and balances. And it is a severe one with unfathomable repercussions. It is not to be carried out flippantly. Besides, from a conservative viewpoint, why in the world would you do that? There is a progression to it and we sometimes forget the roles involved. I can't think of any conservative that would impeach Obama to willingly and knowingly inaugurate Joe Biden.
David Marlin Rains Sam, I love the last line
David Marlin Rains

Donald Murdock No impeachable offenses have been committed, nor have any been brought before the people or the legislature or judiciary or the media by anyone with any real credibility. Thus far, though a bit heavy handed at times, the President has operated well within the bounds of Constitutional law and, for the most part, in the best interest of moving the nation and all of it's citizenry past the status quo of contemplating our collective navel while Rome burns. When bold, and sometimes unpopular, measures are taken, those who are fearful of any kind of change are gonna be quick to become reactive rather than think about the long-term consequences of willful ignorance and pretense. Not trying to make anyone wrong, but sometimes it's not a bad thing to rattle the cage a bit. Over simplifying issues is easy, but denies the rational approach to a hugely complicated process. At least this President hasn't tripped over his pecker. Yet. Meanwhile, the KKK is actively soliciting new membership by leafleting Atlanta neighborhoods. Wish I had a mini-gun in the closet. (There's always another side to the other dark passenger sneaks out now and again.)
Terrell Shaw
And I firmly believe that for every push of the boundaries (rattling of the cage?) by this president, a more extreme GOP example can be found from W or Ron.

Sam Burnham I think my response would be that we don't need to enter impeachment flippantly, regardless of who is president.
Laurie Craw The rest of us can impeach the Supreme Court 5 and all those House Republicans who tried to renege on their Constitutional duty to pay the nation's debts! Let's make it a clean sweep!

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