Sunday, March 01, 2020

From the heart...

Joe Biden spoke from the heart after his victory in the South Carolina Democratic Primary tonight and reminded anyone listening why the people of Delaware elected him to the Senate every six years for so long, why Barack Obama chose him as a running mate, and why we chose him to stand a heartbeat from the presidency for eight years. I love the man.

An awful lot of South Carolinians must also love him; nearly a half million turned out to vote today and to give Joe a runaway win in the Palmetto State.

Sheila and I made another modest donation to his campaign tonight. He needs money for his campaign badly; I hope many others are doing the same.

There are remaining several good candidates, but I do not believe any except Joe and Bernie Sanders have a good chance to win the nomination. I greatly admire Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren especially, but it is now time for them to exit the race and, I hope, endorse Joe Biden as the candidate best positioned to lead the restoration of the America republic. I don't expect them to leave till after next Tuesday, but I wish they would.

Note: We also cannot help but notice why the shallow little man currently residing in the White House has worked so hard to keep Joe Biden from winning the nomination to be his opponent.

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