Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gleaning Facebook: Cassidy Hutchinson

As is true of almost all those who have testified in the bipartisan open hearings investigating the January 6 attempted coup, Cassidy and I likely disagree politically much more than we agree, but we do agree on the most basic of all small-r republican values: free elections resulting in peaceful transfers of power.
It is astounding that we have reached such a point in America that it takes real courage for a Capital-R Republican to stand up for that principle.


Jim Howell I knew there had to be some patriots still look left in Republican Party.

Wendy Cannon Edelkind Sad they are trying so hard to discredit her. She is 25 years old. She has her whole adult life ahead and is just beginning in her career. Why would she chance it all by lying? I appreciate her standing up for her beliefs and doing what needed to be done.

Jaki Day Another brave women.

Jim Kissane pastedGraphic_1.png

Leonard D Reeves She is more courageous than all those men who have taken the 5th.

Diann Howell Steward Thank you for sharing this!

Mailon Baxley Yes!

Don Rusk No one truly thinks she is lying. They are just worried about political survival!

Ted Parkhurst She is a powerful truth-teller!

Brad Weber Don't laud her as a hero. She's worked for the most treacherous scum in DC, namely, Rafael Cruz. She is part of the scheme that McConnell cooked up to divorce Trump from the GOP while keeping as many of his previously non-voting base as possible. McConnell has been heard on several occasions that he wants the Democrats to do the GOP's dirty work. She is a player in that scheme. The GOP used Trump to get their Extreme Court majority, and tax cuts for their donor buddies. Ms. Hutchinson successfully drew attention away from Flynn and everyone else who isn't cooperating with the J6 Committee, or pleading the fifth. What she did was clear the way for Ron Desantis to get the 2024 GOP nomination. Desantis is more evil than Trump, and smarter. Don't trust her. She'll be working for the next GOP president's office, and that will probably be Ron Desantis.

The former President of the United States literally had a temper tantrum akin to that of a toddler.



Even Fox (so-called) News admits that this testimony is compelling.

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