Monday, August 05, 2024


I found this little poem earlier this year among my Mother's papers in very rough form. She likely recopied it with further edits for Daddy on Valentine's Day 1978. Their 40th anniversary would have come later that year - 46 years ago. Happy heavenly anniversary to my wonderful parents. I miss them every day.


Happy Valentine's Day

                    by Ruth Baird Shaw 

Happy Valentine's Day, My Love!
This verse is from my heart. 
I could not find a card just right 
At Rich’s or Kmart. 
So with my pen and paper, 
Sans talent and sans time,
I wrote for you this love note
In my infamous rhyme.
How do I say I love you 
With words that your heart hears?
Browning counted up the ways; 
I’ve totaled up the years.
How do I love thee?
Let me underscore
That 40 years count all the ways 
That Browning named -- and more!

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