Monday, June 01, 2020

Gleaning Facebook: Stop. Regroup. Organize. Strategize. Mobilize.

Yes. After witnessing the meltdown of the little man in the White House tonight we must Stop. Regroup. Organize. Strategize. Mobilize.

This wonderful former student of mine is brilliant, and successful, and a loving husband and father, and has always been just a really nice guy. It breaks my heart that he has had to face stupid blatant racism as well as the every day ignorance of folks like me enjoying our casual white privilege mostly blind to the daily challenges of our friends of color.

Please try to read, and think about these words dispassionately and with a determination to really see through his eyes for a bit.

Black lives matter.

We MUST at least obliterate the current racism at the polls in November. So, yes, vote, donate, work for candidates who will seek reconciliation and peace and brotherhood.

From Marshall Jones' Facebook:

My heart hurts due to the damage that this administration is causing. It will be awhile before our youth recover and hearts & minds are changed.
I can't count how many times I have been stopped for Driving While Black. I have taken clients to dinner and have been stopped because I was in the wrong area, the car was too nice, we want to make sure you (the client) is ok; or cause it was Tuesday. I have missed opportunities, been passed over and even ignored. over the years. I have had to fight, I have been hit by drivers in their car as a pedestrian, handcuffed, spit on and shot at by racist, All because of my skin color. I refuse to let all of this negativity change my positive and hopeful view on what could be for us.
Most have tried to take the high road and keep our heads up. But AmeriKKKa, doesn't seem to want to listen. We tried peaceful marches, prayer and kneeling. Nothing has changed! What will it take? #LISTEN #DOSOMETHING
NOTE: Sllavery was not just physical; it was mental, emotional and financial. What we are witnessing now is nothing but this same mentality. Only it isn't just directed toward african americans solely. If people do not wake up amidst this they will awaken to find many freedoms GONE! Laws are being passed, appointees placed into top positions while we fight EACH other!! STOP, REGROUP, ORGANIZE, STRATEGIZE and MOBILIZE!! We owe it to our ancestors to not allow this to become more than a moment in our History. Do NOT allow this to become our FUTURE!
You all are seeing firsthand what one mistake has cost us!
PS. Don't forget about our Latino/Latina family that is locked up in cages, right now too! They should be freed as well! Tear down that F'n Wall before its finished!


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