Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gleaning Facebook: Mike Burton and "Sweet Reason" for the Georgia Senate

You folks way to the right of me don't have to worry about Georgia suddenly turning wildly liberal with the next election. The legislature is going to stay majority Republican for the next few years at least. But surely the Sonny Perdue/Casey Cagle years have shown us that we will need reasonable loyal opposition in Atlanta to keep a check on a Nathan Deal or a Cagle.


Now, Mike Burton is definitely on my right, but I like most of what he has to say. Regardless of the partisan issues, however, there are some very practical reasons my friends and neighbors ought to consider voting for Mike, even if they disagree with some of his stances.


If his opponent wins we will be without a state senator from Rome or Floyd County for the first time in my memory, and I suspect the first time in a century or more. Who ever is elected this time will have a lot of say-so in the redistricting that results from the 2010 census. If the fellow from Bartow County is elected, where will the population center of our district be, do you think?


Would a 100% Republican delegation have clout with a Democratic governor's office or Lieutenant Governor's (President of the Senate) office? Polls show a toss-up in the Governor's race.


If my Democratic friends are looking for a stridently partisan candidate, however, they’ll have to look elsewhere. He will support public education. He’ll call for fiscal responsibility even if that means a penny more sales tax to balance the state budget and pay for critical state programs. But he will be a “yes-man” for no governor, Lt. Gov., or interest group. He has many friends on all sides of political issues and loves to discuss those issues. He is someone who can negotiate and compromise, and even (shock) change his mind. Mike is a person who loves people and can amiably discuss most anything with most anybody. He says he learned that from his grandmother (I remember Mama Brown) who called for “sweet reason” when he and his brother or cousins became argumentative. He wants a similar atmosphere in the Georgia Senate.


On a personal note and for what it's worth: I have known Mike Burton for 48 years. He has been, first, older brother to one of my best friends, then my Sunday School teacher, then my friend, and for the last nearly 40 years something akin to a brother. We have picked blackberries together, built roofs and walls together, loaded hay together, and horses, worshiped together, bounced each other's babies, celebrated marriages together, sung together (not his forte!), sat through our children’s dance recitals together, grieved over Carolyn’s losing battle with cancer, and her death and those of his parents, and brother, and my dad. Sheila and I were there for his marriage to Julie. Since 1993 our families have celebrated almost all of our nation’s birthdays together with barbecue and fireworks at the levee. We have shared each other's dreams and accomplishments and disappointments.


We often agree. We sometimes disagree. But I have never known a man more honorable or kind.


As we enter this election season you may find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with how Mike stands on the issues. Knowing the way politics works in 2010 I know you will hear and see some pretty tough ads -- from his opponent or the many interest groups that now have the right to smear at will -- aimed at raising questions in your minds about Mike’s honesty, trustworthiness, patriotism, and more. Rest assured: there is no concern about those things. Make your mind up based on other issues. Mike Burton is a good man.


Christie Hufstedler Boyd Terrell, you are right. Mike is a good man and has all the other qualities you so eloquently write about. Sweet Reason is a good slogan and one many others in our government should take a look at!
Richard T. Ware Terrell, having known Mike almost as long as you have (45 yrs.), and having known him through many of the events, both good and bad, that you speak of, all I can say to your comments is AMEN!
Terrell Shaw Thanks Richard and Christie! I'm a little concerned that Mike's head might begin swelling from these praises. But maybe Richard and I know enough to bring him quickly back to earth, if necessary. Doncha think, Richard? <grin> Neglected to mention the spreading of literal manure that we have done. Thot that might not garner any support and some might even imagine undeserved olfactory sensations in my note.
Jackson Williamson I hear spreading manure is a handy skill in the senate...
Terrell Shaw Few would argue, I expect, with the opinion that you have hit upon the most universal skill exhibited there.

Lynne Crothers Williams @Terry and Jackson--amen and amen

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