Thursday, May 16, 2013

Gleaning Facebook: Retirement

Congratulations on retirement!


From Kendra Harris:

I posted this on your blog, but as a first time poster I wasn't sure it would stick. lol So I wanted to be sure you saw this. In honor of your retirement announcement:

I remember being part of your first gifted group at Pepperell Elementary loooooonnnggg ago. 🙂 I remember you having the wooden pictures that disguised other words (seemed like one was "Jesus"?) and playing chess. I think that was maybe second grade or so? 

Then I remember in middle school having you again. I will never forget "Jabberwocky" or you having the poem about my infinitely messy closet published --

"In my bedroom closet lies,
an eggbeater, two pieces of pie.. 
" something something, "
and a broken tennis shoe. 
My Mom always says 
'Get rid of that junk!'
'But Mom', I reply, 
with a tear in my eye, 
'Not my dear old lamp 
and beloved trunk'. 
But the argument always ends
with a grin, 
and this, my friends,
is the end!)"!

I also wont' forget 20 Questions, having to spell Armuchee for extra points, or in elementary school you having us make pinhole cameras and take our own pictures. 

Good memories! I appreciate all you have done and all that you do. You are a wonderful person and friend and I know they will miss you next year! Much love and God's blessings!

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