Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Trump Speaks to the Scouts?!

 From Dan Rather:

Donald Trump's speech last night in front of the Boy Scouts of America was not only highly inappropriate. It was disgusting.
I would like to hope it is a nadir in our country's political discourse, but it seems like the slide downward only accelerates. So it stands as a sad encapsulation of our current age.
No doubt many in the crowd were riled up by Mr. Trump's stale rhetoric of "fake news" and lies about his "massive" electoral victory. But the Boy Scouts is a diverse organization with chapters in every corner of this nation. And today, many are no doubt wondering whether they belong in a group that is supposed to be built on community and service. Many of these boys may be wondering more broadly whether they belong in a country led by a man like this.
Scouts learn the importance of being “trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” How few of those adjectives apply to our current Commander in Chief. A man who can't control himself to act in a manner befitting the setting, is a man without the steadiness of character to run a nation. A grown man who is so insecure as to seek affirmation in a group of teenagers is not a man with the maturity to lead a nation. A man who is so self-absorbed as to make every utterance about himself and his needs is not a man with the vision to elevate a nation.
Part of being president is to be the leader of the entire country. And every president I can remember (and that's a lot of them) revelled in moments when they had a venue to shake off the partisanship of Washington and speak in exalted tones to the people. But whether it's dedicating an aircraft carrier or talking to Boy Scouts, Mr. Trump so far has seemed incapable of performing that simple task.
Bluntly put - and there is no joy in having to say this – he is tearing apart the norms of our nation. So it is incumbent on those who recognize the damage being done to stitch back the bonds that unite us and work hard to muffle the echoes of his divisiveness.


"The President's speech at the Boy Scouts Rally yesterday was beyond disgraceful, distasteful, and unconscionable. Regardless of one's political leaning, our nation's young people should never be subjected to such rhetoric. This was an opportunity to inspire and uplift, but our petty President failed miserably."
-- from a friend who does not allow sharing from his Facebook page.

He's exactly correct. We must get rid (legally, constitutionally) of this stain on the presidency. I dread a Pence presidency, in some ways even more than the Great Liar's presidency when it comes to policy, but we must get this evil out of George Washington's seat. 


If one can observe the effluence of Donald John Trump's mouth as he spoke to thousands of underage boys and not recognize evil, one needs to examine his own heart.
This is just another day of chaos and outrageousness in the Trump era, any one of which would have been in the first paragraph of the bio of any other president.

Where's the Momentum merit badge? Comments Marion Dobbs Oh, there should be several more - golfing, groping, covfefe.
Laurie Craw I'm glad our son wasn't still active in scouting when this happened. What an insult to all Scouts and their local troop leaders who put so much of their time, energy and money into teaching boys to be men of good character.

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