Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Happy Birthday Clementine!

When Brannon turned six years old in 1989 we did up this (below) little letter-sized cardstock notice on our relatively new MacIntosh computer and b&w Laserwriter printer. I used a font called "Flintstone" and made an outline version so the letters could be colored. Somehow several of these have survived 35 years and I found them in a box of junk. I think I also made some great big letters, one per page, to string up on the front porch --- or maybe I'm mixing that up with welcome home stuff we posted when Brannon spend a few days in Tallahassee with Sheila's parents.

So since today is our eldest granddaughters sixth birthday I did up a similar poster for Clementine. Of course nowadays pixelated black and white won't do. I tried to pick out a couple of snapshots that roughly approximate the ages of the older placard.

Dear Clementine,

Oh! How much happiness you have brought to your Grandshaw and Granny these last six years. We love you to the moon and a back! It is so much fun to tell stories to you and to act out stories with you and to just be silly together. Oh! How I wish we could be way out in California to help you celebrate today. I wouldn't even fuss if you (or Ruth or Suzie) stole my hat. 
I hope you have bushels of fun. Granny and I sent you a couple of books that we think you'll like. I sure wish I was there to read them with you.
During the eclipse yesterday I thought of the "moon-promise" I made to you when you were born. Whenever I see that old moon in the sky I know that you can probably see it out in California too. So I throw a kiss toward it and trust that kiss will ricochet off the moon and bounce to you (and Ruth and Suz) way out there 2000 miles away. And I imagine kisses from you bouncing our way! 
Give your little sisters an extra hug for us, and your Mom and Dad. Maybe you can "FaceTime" us tonight -- or tomorrow if things get too busy today -- and tell us all about your celebration.

I love you!


P.S. Here's what I wrote to you SIX years ago....

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