Monday, June 17, 2024

PTSW: Drive-In Picture Show

It was wonderful to share an evening recently with a group of kindred spirits at the home of our friends Stan and Lynelle Stewart. Good food, good conversation, and lots of laughs.  Just an hour and a half before we gathered the big news of May 30, 2024 had broken: the world's most famous malignant narcissist had just been held accountable -- unanimously by a jury of ordinary citizens -- for 34 felonies involving trying to undermine our democratic system in 2016. The conversation of the group of friends gathered on that comfortable screened porch ran the gamut from celebrating our legal system to sharing stories of wild airplane rides, run-ins with traffic cops, embarrassing moments, to our writing. Lynelle told about writing the following poem and we persuaded her to recite it for us. We all had a good laugh. So here is this week's Poem to Start the Week.

Ode to the Drive-In Picture Show

Candy, cokes and popcorn 

hotdogs with chili to go,

What fun they shared on a Saturday night

at the drive-in picture show.

Listening to cracking speakers

of a worn out movie track 

just sweet sixteen, she sat and felt 

his hand curve round her back.

Gentle kisses, then passions high, 

and soon the windows steam.

The magic of the moment 

fills their bodies like a dream.

But happiness is so short-lived, 

too late they surely know

that one less virgin is going home 

from the drive-in picture show.

by Lynelle Stewart

(Used by permission of the poet) 

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