Monday, February 10, 2025

It Will Come To Pass

 Today would have been my cousin Don's 89th birthday. Wow. Don Baird was a great guy. I wish I had known him better back in the fifties, sixties, and seventies when he was at the peak of his career as a newsman for WSB and NBC. It was after his small immediate family was gone that he began to find himself more often visiting our Shaw Branch. Especially so after my mother moved here to Rome in 1997.

In honor of Don's birthday and in his memory, here is a song he wrote that was recorded by Willie Nelson: 

"It Will Come To Pass"

The turning earth will raise its wand
And bring the seasons to their fruitful end
and little men and trains will crawl
And snake their way around the timeless bend
And rivers, too, will course their way to find the hungry Mother Sea at last
And love will grow, it will come to pass

The sun will blaze its scorching path
across the sky a million times or more
and men with charts will scan the skies
in quest of life on some forgotten shore
and in the quiet womb the sleeping seed
will stretch its arms and grow at last
and love will grow, it will come to pass

It will come to pass

Though men and minds and times will change
still pinioned they by fears of growing old
though scalpeled hands will plumb the deepest corners
none will find the soul
yet bearded men in sandwich boards will tell the sinful streets
"He's Come At Last", and love will grow, it will come to pass

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