We have a great man leading America. Dynamic, hopeful, uniting speech. No person I have ever voted for has ever so closely followed the path I voted for. I found only one small section with which to take some issue.
Victoria Stanz Abernathy
Amen. Onward and upward.
Deborah Lake Dawson
OMG Terrell exactly how I feel, I just feel he expresses my beliefs! How could we end up being so different from the majority of the people around us? I just am amazed at the thought process...wow !
Keith M. Padgett
My one issue with his speech is what I liken to "new age manifest destiny" (though it may be the wrong title to give it). The idea that we are the greatest country and should therefore be the World Police. I cannot agree with advocating that, I'm all for aiding countries that ask for help. But to just assume it's our job to "free" other countries and "spread democracy" is extremely egotistical in my opinion.
Victoria Stanz Abernathy
I bet we have the same small issue. But we haven't the details yet. Hoping he knows something we don't. Will be surprised if it turns out to be ok.
David Crowder
Great speech. Great ideas.
David Jones
Terrible ideas. More of sad policies
Terrell Shaw
Keith, to me this president has continued our leadership in the world while calling on allies to step up more. History has put us in a position that we cannot just renounce. But I agree that we cannot be the world's policemen.
Jonathan, you dream of a very different America from my ideal.
David I truly believe if he came up with a cure for cancer you would criticize him for lost oncology jobs.
Laurie Craw
Was glad to hear him put energy behind his agenda and principles. He set the bar high but where it ought to be.
Keith M. Padgett
Because having an uneducated society is so much less of a financial burden? Having an educated populous creates more jobs, create better workers, decreases the amount of crime which then decreases the amount of spending on our prison system. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather my tax dollars go to helping us better our society than watch it go things such as incarceration. Oh, and also, countries who have socialized education also have fewer people on welfare because their populous has the skills needed to actually be contributing members of society. so while yes, tax dollars would go to the "free" education, tax dollars would also get be less needed in other places.
David Crowder
Well said
Freddie Ashley
Well said. He is a great leader.
Charlie Hehn
Didn't watch it.
Howard Smith
I thought he did an outstanding job in his next to last State of the Union address. He was bold, forceful, direct, positive. He stood his ground on those issues that are important to so many Americans, in fact, the overwhelming majority of us. He let Republicans know,without hesitation, he will use his veto pen willingly if need be. In fairness, I agree with those pundits, which were most, who felt he fell down a bit in his analysis of where we stand and what we plan to do regarding international terrorism. I do, however, appreciate his avoiding a knee jerk response. It is far too easy for Fox and friends to simply say "send troops" when they aren't the ones going.
Michael J. Burton
Good speech
Paul Culotta
Great speech. I like just about everything this President has done. The greatest irony of his Presidency is that the Republicans, proclaiming the ideals of representative government, have consistently opposed and refused to negotiate on anything the President proposes. And that "just say no" position which causes NOTHING to get done makes a tremendous case for dictatorship and tyranny. It's all the more appalling because no one has ever defined anything this President has done wrong in terms of factual context or rational logic. All I hear is slogans, hyperbole, and sound bytes designed to cause fear and to camouflage the real reason they don't like this great man. There, my monthly rant is over. Go Seahawks!
Terrell Shaw Not so sure about the last two words, though, Paul.
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