Here's my simple post:
Thank you Mr. President for your principled leadership. Your words today were not new, but they were an eloquent summation of what the American response to extremism needs to be. I hope America is listening.
Here's the vociferous response:
Howard Smith
And, at the same time what did Jeb Bush reveal about his leadership strategy today even as he proclaimed he was his own man? It seems he handpicked, as his foreign policy advisors, most of his brothers advisors (excluding Cheney at least publicly for now)....We already know how good their advice was to his brother because of the fine mess they made of foreign policy during his that failed Bush administration...enough said.
David Jones
Michael J. Sarver
What? "Principled Leadership" if Mr. Obama were captain of a ship we'd be lost at sea my friend.
Howard Smith
that is merely your opinion which you are entitled to...but, it is not fact based. Let us keep in mind a few "facts". Irag did not attack us. There were no WMD's found in Iraq. The Iraq war, contrary to the testimony provided congress by Bush's folks, did not "pay for itself". We were not welcome occupiers and "mission was not accomplished when the "decider in chief" made his bold declaration. You may also want to check how many of our embassies came under attack and how many lost their lives in these attacks compared to the Obama Administration. And, Bush cut taxes and paid for the multiTRILLION dollar war on a credit card. Lets talk about the President....his administration has led to an unprecedented economic recovery from the the failed Bush administration. Do I need to list the "facts" regarding where we are and where we came from...
David Jones
Amen. Obama NEVER lead anything.
Howard Smith
It is easy to make comments without facts. I admire that about Republicans.
David Jones
Michael J. Sarver
Thank you Howard. FYI I'm not a Republican and Bush isn't President. Here's a fact for you...Obama and his administration is the most racially divisive in 50 years and most of their narrative is based on lies.
David Jones
Howard Smith
And, let me give you another fact as regarding your "opinion" about his administration being the "most radically divisive in 50 years (why, 5O?). He won both of his presidential elections by wide margins...far wider than the "decider in chief" in either of his elections, the first of which he LOST the popular about divisive.... As for President Obama being "radically divisive", perhaps, and this is only my opinion, it is caused by the GOP moving to the extreme right in its politics. Back to facts to support this "opinion"...todays Republicans, the Canadian from Texas, etc., do not resemble Eisenhower Republicans in the least, not even Reagan for that matter who raised taxes more than once and granted amnesty to millions. Whereas President Obama is not that far from Roosevelt or Truman, Johnson, Carter, or Clinton (who supports him...a fact), in fact he is a bit moderate by comparison. Oh, and another thing...Bin Laden was taken out during his administration....mission accomplished. I am waiting for you and Mr. Jones to back up your Fox rants attacking our recovery under this President from the failed previous eight years of a Republican with something more than just insults. Because the FACTS are we are much better off now that we were when Bush left office. If you can dispute this with facts...please, inquiring minds want to know.
David Jones
What about the last elections
The nation spoke
Howard Smith
David, correct me if I am wrong...and, I'm not...he didn't run in the last election. He WON both of his. I think he made that clear. Further his approval rating TODAY is much higher than that of Congress, a Republican controlled congress. Give me a break. So, as you say "the nation spoke."
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, I said "racially divisive " not "radically" and excuse me...busing for desegregation in schools began in 1970...45 years ago not 50 years ago.
Terrell Shaw
Fact: Terrorists commit terrorist acts in order to instill terror. (Duh.) Therefore they want as much attention as possible. Every person who focuses attention on those acts is doing the work of the terrorists. Teddy Roosevelt had it right: speak softly and carry a big stick. There is absolutely no advantage to the president ranting as some on the right are doing and seem to want him to do. He does carry a big stick. He has used it and will use it. He will also work to change attitudes and policies that encourage the kind of hate and despair that can turn some young men toward extremism.
Michael J. Sarver
Terrell, I don't want the U.S. going to war against isis however I would like to see us helping Israel, Jordan and Egypt more...let them destroy isis. Muslim extremism and their terrorist acts come directly from the koran... Its not from an "attitude" born out of despair. Read up on Mohammad and stop listening to Obama's smoke and mirrors show.
Howard Smith
If he is "racially divisive" I guess that is more a reflection of his detractors Who have as much issue with his race as his policies. And when you speak of a narrative based on lies in deed you have brought Bush into the discussion because that is how we became mired in a multi trillion dollar fiasco Called the Irag War from which we are still in recovery.
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, there is no "if". The narrative began with Trayvon Martin and continues with Michael Brown. As usual you, Obama and his minions continue to blame Bush for everything and he's been out of office 6 years. Tying him to to the racist narrative is an amazing stretch, but I'm not surprised. Bush took office and within months 911 occurred, he decided to bring those responsible to justice...tough test for a brand new president. Right or wrong. And now we're suffering through Obama's multi-trillion dollar ACA, failed bailouts and immigration fiasco.
Howard Smith
One more fact update, bringing thoNews alert....ACA is working and it has reduced the rise of medical costs And is providing coverage for millions who lacked coverage ...I know you think this is a bad thing. And, if you think I think It is wrong to shoot to death those who are unarmed you are right....extremely so. Let me know with do know what those are....which "bailouts" Failed.....I'm waiting.
Howard Smith
And surely even you know that bringing Those to justice after 9/11 Han nothing whatsoever to do with the irrational Irag war.
Michael J. Sarver
Hopefully you and I will never find ourselves being beaten to death by an unarmed teenager...if I were armed and in that situation I'm pretty sure I'd use the gun to save my own life especially if I was a police officer. The General Motors bailout worked for GM but failed the taxpayers when Obama sold GM stock losing billions of tax dollars and then there's Solyndra....
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, Bush followed the intelligence provided to him...he went to Congress and presented his case to go to war in Iraq. Congress agreed....the rest is history.
Howard Smith
Solyndra was not a bailout and what a simplistic understanding of the GM "bailout" and what was SAVED by this "loss". Had that "loss" not been made, the actually cost of that lost industry would have amounted to more than a 100 billion in lost tax revenue to the federal government and 3-4 million lost jobs to American workers. All in all a pretty good return on a 10 billion dollar investment. A far better return on cost than the several TRILLION, not billion, TRILLION cost of the ill conceived Irag War.
Michael J. Sarver
Nice try Howard your just repeating the justification Obama used unfortunately we will never know the outcome for GM without the bailout. And I didn't say Solyndra was a bailout I said "and then there's Solyndra" pointing out another massive loss to the taxpayers.
Howard Smith
That is your story and you're sticking to it...a sordid story, to be sure. As an aside, if you do a little more research, you will find that the "case for war" was as much shaped by the wants and desires of Cheney and his cronies as it was by "intelligence". There was not then or now any hard evidence to support what was manufactured. Had the Bush Administration simply been willing to allow the UN inspectors, which had been given complete access to Irag, including the palaces of the ruler, time to continue their search which had turned up nothing, it is obvious nothing would have been found.
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, its not my story it is what happened.
Howard Smith
Solyndra was a failure, I won't dispute that. But, the investment in alternative energy sources is a good overall investment, There will always be successes and failures along the way toward progress. That was one. Agreed.
Howard Smith
Michael, if you want me to "admit" President Obama has made his share of mistakes, I have no problem. I can easily list some of my disappointments and frustrations with his presidency. I admit I have concerns about what is going on internationally and our President's leadership. I think we all do. There is much to be concerned about to be sure. But, lets not kid ourselves. The United States is far better off today than it was after 8 years of Bush (who I supported in his first presidential election). The stock market is better off, the job market is better off, the housing market is better off, the auto industry is better off, the LGBT community is better off, more folks than ever have health insurance, the federal budget deficit has been substantially reduced, more oil than ever is being produced in the United States, less folks have been killed in embassy attacks and Bin Laden is dead. Not much good news out of the previous administration accept we took out the Taliban government in Afganistan, which I wholeheartedly supported doing as a response to 9/11. I was a big Bush supporter the first time he ran...I bought "compassionate conservatism" as a concept. But, Bush let me down big time and the Republican Party's extreme move to the right, its continuing to advocate Reagan's failed "trickle down economics" in the face of evidence to the contrary, not to many a host of the GOP's stance on a host social issues left me... left. So, give me an Obama presidency over a Bush presidency every time. And, I mean this about the future, not just the present or past.
David Jones
WSB radio reporting today how bad the ACA is in many areas
Terrible for small businesses
Howard Smith
I never said ACA was perfect. It is easy to point out problems. It is still a very new program and there is still much work to do to improve it. We SHOULD be working to make it better. Tell your GOP friends that. However, until those on the right propose an alternative to simply tossing it out, I am tired of the "sky is falling" rhetoric from critics who have nothing substantive to offer to help the uninsured. You are simply making all the same arguments that opponents of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and Social Security and Medicare made along the way.
Terrell Shaw
Michael, your attitude saddens me deeply. I am not a Muslim. There is much about moderate Islam that I do not like. Neither am I a Mormon. There is much about that religion that repulses me. I am not a Roman Catholic. Some Roman Catholics have beliefs that enrage me. I am not a Jew. Some Jews use old testament verses to excuse nonsense in my opinion. I am not a Southern Baptist. I abhor some of the strongly held beliefs of some of those good folk. I am a Methodist. I worship with wonderful folks every Sunday some of whom hold beliefs I find repugnant. To frame the battle of our secular nation against the terrorists of the middle east in religious terms is to do exactly what those terrorists want done. And that would be an insult to millions of our own people and millions of our allies and only do harm to our own cause.
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, I don't agree with giving Mr. Obama credit for our economic survival. In fact if it weren't for his involvement I believe this country would be far ahead of where it is now.
Howard Smith
Michael, and I'm sure you don't blame Mr. Bush for the "Great Recession". I get it. You have strong opinions. I have no doubt you believe we would have been better off today had the former Governor of Mass. been elected president and that we will be better off tomorrow if a Republican moves into the White House next as opposed to another Democrat. The more trickle down economics and the more right wing, religious social fundamentalism the better. Because that's where our progress as a nation has come it...sounds like you've already rewritten the AP History curriculum for the GOP. I'll give you guys the last word now as I have to move on. I have enjoyed our banter. Have good weekends.
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, I'm a big fan of Capitalism and I believe Bush removed some important constraints. I also believe Mr. Clinton did more to cause the recession than Bush with his everyone should own a home policy forcing banks to approve home loans for people who couldn't afford them. Now Mr. Obama comes along with his massive regulations, ACA, illegal immigration fiasco, massive government and spend, spend, spend...
Michael J. Sarver
Howard, no I'm more of a libertarian I'm not that conservative. Enjoyed it too...have a great day!
Sam Burnham
This is the most difficult issue that an American president can handle. A billion or so people that share the same religion, the majority of which are minding their own business. Many are somewhat allied to the US on the national level.
The tightrope walk is to not dump the peaceful practitioners of Islam in with the extremists while at the same time identifying and opposing the evil of Jihad. It's can't be easy and presidents have dealt with this issue since Jefferson dealt with the Barbary Pirates.
This is why we can't be flippant about elections.
I think many of my fellow members of the right tend to think Obama is Islamic because he had an upbringing that has left him with a strong sympathy for that religion. That doesn't make him a practitioner.
And I watch what he's doing and it's easy for me to say he's not handling it right, because I really think he isn't. But then I'm not sure exactly what to do myself. I don't want our kids in war. I don't want Iraqis dropping our advanced weapons for ISIS to pick up. But I don't want those crazy fools running wild either.
We've got a mess and we need a solution.
Michael J. Sarver
Terrell, it saddens me more when our leadership and people like you refuse to recognize and acknowledge where isis derives their motivation and justification for their barbaric terrorism
Terrell Shaw
What we need to fight is ISIL not Islam. Anytime we blur that distinction we side with them.
Michael J. Sarver
Why Does Obama Describe the Islamic State as ‘ISIL’ Instead of ‘ISIS?’
ObamaBeigeSuite (1)
Many of even the most casual observers have noticed that virtually all news organizations (not to mention the terrorist organization themselves), refer to the Muslim terrorist group as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.
That is everyone with the exception of the Obama regime, who in robotic lockstep refer to the evil, barbaric, and subhuman group of beheaders, not as ISIS, as the rest of the world does, but as ISIL, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
So what’s the difference? What’s the big deal? And why is the Obama regime going to such organized contortions to go against the grain of the established name?
Two journalists, Chuck Todd, who just took over NBC’s Meet the Press from David Gregory’s failed tenure as the long-running political show host, had one take on the regime’s obsession in trying to cram “ISIL” down everyone’s collective throats, stating that Obama doesn’t like dealing with the last “S” in the abbreviation, as it stands for Syria, another of his failed foreign policies.
“Obviously, we refer to it at NBC News as ISIS,” Todd explained during his first time as full-time host of the program that he is commissioned with bringing back the to its former glory days under deceased former legendary host Tim Russert. “The Obama administration, the president says the word ‘ISIL.’ The last ‘S’ stands for Syria. The last ‘L’ they don’t want to have stand for Syria.”
The word “Levant” encompasses a much larger area of land, which included Syria, the area referred to as Palestine, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and parts of Turkey, according to Al Jazeera, the Middle East media outlet owned by the oil-rich country of Qatar, who purchased “Current TV” in the U.S. for $500 million from global warming huckster Al Gore.
FOX News’ Harris Faulkner issued an even stronger criticism of the Obama Democrat Machine’s insistence with using ISIL over ISIS on Outnumbered last week, in speaking with fellow panelists Ainsley Earhardt and Jesse Watters. She said that Obama was giving the terrorist group a hat tip:
Ainsley Earhardt: “They changed the name in the middle of all this to ISIL. they don’t have the right to do that. We’re going to continue to call them ISIS.”
Harris Faulkner: “So our president is tipping his hat to them.”
Ainsley Earhardt: “They changed the name…”
Jesse Watters: “And I think the president doesn’t want to have it be just Iraq and Syria because that brings to mind the president’s failed policies in Iraq. which, he said the Iraq war was over. And Syria, which he drew the line and basically vacated it. When they say ‘Levant,’ that’s broadening it out and it kind of doesn’t remind people that this is his policy.
Roughly a year ago, the Obama regime, as well as a handful of Republicans like John McCain, were arguing to help ISIS, who they then referred to as “rebels,” in toppling the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.
That could have something to do with the Obama machine’s reluctance to remind the American people of that inconvenient truth.
Terrell Shaw
Sheesh. Have a great day, Mr. Sarver.
Michael J. Sarver
Terrell, is there another religion that tells its followers to kill non believers? Thanks too!
Terrell Shaw
Deuteronomy 7:1-4
Michael J. Sarver
Terrell, that's very good. Now when and why did God say that? And then ask yourself when was the last time Christians or Jews destroyed anyone just for existing?
Terrell Shaw
Michael, I am a professing Christian, though I'll be the first to admit I am a rank sinner and would never want to be held up as a model of what that is supposed to be. I revere the Bible, though, and the wonderful truth that can be found in it. But some verses can be misused to promote evil and have throughout history. Islam has moderated from its beginnings as have the Jewish and Christian faiths. The vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving people who interpret their scriptures very differently from the terrorists. It is wrong, shoot, it is evil to condemn all Muslims because of the beasts of ISIL who kill, maim, crucify, burn many more Muslims than Christians.
Michael J. Sarver
I don't necessarily disagree with you Terrell. I am most troubled by the fact that we are seeing more and more terrorism committed by Muslims all around the world. I am glad to see Jordan taking action against isis and I believe America should support them and Egypt with all the weapons they need...we should let them handle it. And America needs to do a better job of protecting its borders.
Terrell Shaw
I agree but... I think it is best that the Islamic countries take the lead with our support as much as possible... and we have to be very careful about who we support. Remember Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Michael J. Sarver
George Bush lied to justify war in Iraq....really?