Monday, November 04, 2019

Gleaning Facebook: Election Eve

Election Eve on Facebook:
Sheila and I are proud to post this sign in our yard. Sundai Stevenson is a true public servant. She has served ALL the people of Rome for four years with openness, honor, reason, and a cooperative spirit. She has earned a second term. You can “vote early” today or tomorrow quickly and easily at either the Health Dept or the yellow-brick courthouse behind Jeffersons, 8-5.

Election day is TOMORROW! November 5. Vote 7-7 at your regular precinct voting location. Our republic only works when We the People accept our responsibility.
I hope you will join me in helping Sundai Stevenson earn the responsibilty of representing US on the Rome City Commission for a second term. Sundai is honest as the day is long. She does her homework. She works cooperatively with her fellow commissioners. She also has a mind of her own and does what she thinks is right. She keeps a practical foot in the present while diligently looking out for our posterity. Even when I have disagreed with her I have respected her.
But however you vote, VOTE!
To be an insufferable didact again:
So much blood and brains and sacrifice has gone to ensure our right to vote! I honestly cannot imagine how someone can with moist eyes pledge allegiance to the "Republic for which it stands" and then neglect their duty to vote. It seems the very least a citizen can do. And your franchise will never have more clout than in a municipal election.


JJ Seifert is a tenacious mother, wife, lawyer, and two-time cancer survivor who is excited about serving Romans on our City Commission. Note the verb “serving” and the pronoun “our”. In a republic those we elect are our public servants. We choose them and they serve at our pleasure. JJ understands that and will seek to guide the inevitable growth of our city with those children of hers (and yours and mine) in mind. She has faced the insecurity and impermanence of life and chosen optimism and service over despair and selfishness. I think her experience, in ALL of those roles I mentioned, will be a great asset to us on OUR City Commission. Go vote! Tuesday at your regular polling place 7 am till 7 pm.
If you have already voted for JJ or WILL vote for her on Tuesday, would you share this post? It is likely that only a handful of votes will make the difference in this hotly contested race! Four years ago in Ward one a losing candidate and a winning candidate were separated by less than three dozen votes! Please help JJ be a part of our commission!

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