Saturday, March 07, 2009

Gleaning Facebook: Please Help Nurture Lily's Garden

Please help nurture Lily's Garden!

I am wearing a bracelet these days. (Actually two.) This is not a usual thing for me. I have never sported much flair. I wore the ring Sheila gave me on August 1, 1971 until she lost it when I entrusted it to her while I endured a kidney stone procedure a year or so ago. I wear silly ties occasionally at school. On silly hat days at our school I am a good sport.
But a month or so ago I began wearing a plastic wristband with white and purple swirls and a message: "Weeding out Leukemia". I am wearing it for a beautiful and brave little seven year-old girl who is my great niece.


Lily and her sister dance

The band reminds me to do my little part (praying, training for the half-marathon fundraiser, spreading the word) in the battle against childhood cancer. There is not enough being done. We need to put more resources toward a cure. Today I began inviting my Facebook friends to help out --FB picked 60 of you at random for invitations today. I know, I just hit you up to help save the Coosa, and that's near and dear to me, but I want children like Lily to have a chance to enjoy the Great Outdoors. If you would like to help, and haven't already, please join the cause and invite your Facebook friends along too and make a donation. Consider it a sponsorship of Terrell and Sheila's efforts in the Country Music Half Marathon, she and I will appreciate that. 100% (97.5% if you use Paypal) of all donations to Lily's Garden will go toward conquering childhood cancer.

If you live around here and would like to wear a bracelet like mine,


I have several. I'll be happy to share. Thanks!

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