Saturday, March 06, 2010

Gleaning Facebook: Lifestyle Change

 Weight Loss Graph

I figure the more public I make my weight loss effort, the more humiliating failure will be, and the more likely natural competitiveness and vanity will spur me to stick to it. I realize that three pounds a week is probably more than I can expect from here on out, but it's a pretty good beginning.
I plan to ignore the diet on March 22 which is my birthday. I will not diet, but try to avoid gluttony May 12-16 when I will be at camp for three days, then celebrating Lillian's graduation from Mercer for a couple of days. Other than that I will keep my calories below 2300 per day and walk at least 2 miles 4-5 times a week. I will also walk briskly for 15 minutes of recess on dry days.
OK, I guess I'll reserve the right to one other day of cheating should a VERY special occasion arise before July 4.
I have pricked the finger with which I tap these keys, spit over my left shoulder, and repeated the unbreakable secret oath/mantra three times:
"I'll stick to the diet, and never tell any of the secrets; and if anybody does anything to any dieter in the band, whichever dieter is ordered to kill that person and his family must do it, and he mustn't eat and he mustn't sleep till he kills them and hacks a cross in their breasts, which is the sign of the diet. And nobody that don't belong to the diet can use that mark, and if he does he must be sued; and if he does it again he must be killed. And if anybody that belongs to the diet tells the secrets, he must have his throat cut, and then have his carcass burnt up and the ashes scattered all around, and his name blotted off of the list with blood and never mentioned again by the dieters, but have a curse put on it and be forgot forever."
Y'all remember: don't blab.

Elizabeth McGinnis Johnson Looks like you are losing it at a good pace. They say don't lose it too fast or it comes back that much faster.

Terrell Shaw Yeah, Sheila made me start eating my alloted calories. As something of an addictive, compulsive, impatient personality, I tend to get carried away at both extremes.

Ruth Baird Shaw Congratulations! It is good to see a man who listened to his wife! I am also impressed to see a man who shares in preparing meals.

Terrell Shaw Good morning, Mother! Yes, I listen to my wife and try to help with meals. As you will recall, I was born shortly after midnight on a Thursday. It was NOT last Thursday! 


Ruth Baird Shaw Smart man! I remember you were the smartest little boy i had even seen for eleven year!!!!

Terrell Shaw Thanks a lot Mother!! Soooooo you are saying a smarter little boy was born in 1958? <grin> Who could that be?

Ruth Baird Shaw Ask Jessica! She even likes the tux David chose to wear to his wedding? So she probably thinks her Daddy iis smarter... BTW ...I could not be more proud of you if your were a Republican! <smile>

Sarah Fedchak In reference to your "camp" excursion in May, (I'm assuming you're referring to NC!), the staff trick to not gaining a million pounds while eating Johnny's food is to only get one serving. NO SECONDS. And since we worried about ORT, that one serving was normally not too huge anyway. (Please note that this plan does allow for full enjoyment of dessert, as well - especially our world-famous NC cookies). Hope that helps! 


Terrell Shaw I appreciate the advice, Sarah, but how does one manage his impulses at breakfast? I might do alright at dinner and supper, but you come to the dining hall, weakened by unaccustomed hiking up and down the Little River, lack of sleep (trying to keep 10-year-olds from destroying the camp for about ten hours), and the retarded Central Time Zone clock, and find there mounds of scrambled eggs, heaps of buttery grits, the crispy, sliced deliciousness of untold herds of swine, an avalanche of big, fluffy biscuits... Why did you bring this up? Now I may break down and head to IHOP or Waffle House for lunch today!!!

Terrell Shaw BTW Sarah, I hope D.J.'s recovery is going well. Give that boy my best.

Mary Clemones Stanley So proud of you! You will have to post a before and after picture to celebrate your success come July.

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