Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gleaning Facebook: Tornado!

Stranded for hours in a dark, un-airconditioned, windowless room with 28 ten-year-olds, some terrified, others thrilled to take advantage of the anonymity of the dark to let their darker sides chime in -- lucky to have had the assistance today of two Berry College practicum students.


Terrell Shaw
It was a great storytelling opportunity until we were told to start calling parents... then I had to leave them to the Berry students while I whipped out the cell phone and called and called and called.

Jann Heaton Skeen
katelyn loved the storytelling. think she was dissapointed when they called her name to go home!

Mandy Wallace
Aiden enjoyed it - but he's a strange kid.

Deborah Lake Dawson
Hope your home did not get a tree on top of it in that storm.

Mary Nisbet Asbury
Can you believe Rome City did not cancel school????

Katie S. Kimbrough
what's up with rome city? What stories did you tell?

Betty Smith Franklin
Bless you, bless you.

Terrell Shaw
Katie, my practicum students from Berry are teaching a unit on the lead-up to the Civil War... So I told the story of Charity Stinchcomb, a seven-year-old, given by Phillip Penn-- my seven-great g'father to his daughter & son-in-law, Absolem Stinchcomb around 1790. Charity lived to be 106 and tell her sad story to the 1880 census taker. then on a lighter note I started the Cherokee story of 'Possum's Tail that I told at Chieftains a couple of weeks ago. It got interrupted tho.


From Brannon Shaw:

How is everybody down there?

Terrell Shaw

Lots of trees down earlier today. Reports of tornado in Cave Spring tonight. It has passed now. Mom & I spent a few minutes under the dining room table with two unhappy cats... But the worst seems to have passed now. TV says major damage and injuries north of us in GA and in AL.

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