Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gleaning Facebook: Mother's Surgery

 My wonderful mother will have outpatient surgery early tomorrow (Thursday) morning. I'll appreciate your prayers for her.


Lots of well wishes followed. Thanks to all our friends and family who are concerned for her!


Nora Matthews
Is she ok uncle terry

Terrell Shaw
She'll be fine. How are y'all?

Christie Hufstedler Boyd
Praying for Ruth, Terrell.

Tersi Bendiburg
Will pray, Terrell.

Robin Dean

Gary Greene
Prayers my friend.

Terrell Shaw
Thanks all. This is supposed to be routine stuff & Mama will be fine... but, of course, there is no such thing as routine surgery when its one's own Mom! 


Nancy Johal Singh
Prayers heading her way

Betty Smith Franklin

Rose McDonald Darby
Will do!

Alice Jeffries Keel

Sandy Doughty
Prayers being lifted up for your sweet Mom!

Kathy Wilson
Sending prayers your way!

Terrell Shaw
Thanks everyone. Mother came through the surgery in good shape, she is home, and I had a good visit with her this afternoon. The docs removed a very small tumor and though it is suspicious looking, they feel good that they "got it all".

Rose McDonald Darby
So glad to hear this

Tersi Bendiburg
Thankful for you and with you.

Anita Stewart
Will continue to pray for your dear mother.

Ann Gore
Glad she is doing well. Praying for her and the family, Terrell.

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