Thursday, March 30, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Big Noggins

As we left the choir room tonight I walked out with Nancy Elder. Passing a rack of robes she pointed out the Cherub Robes.

"Remember these?" she asked.
"The Cherub Robes?"
"Yes, " she said, holding out the last one, "This is Brannon's."
[see pic]
"Is her name still in it?" I queried.
"No. I made these. [30 years ago!] The first time the kids wore them, all the other kids could wear 'em; Brannon couldn't get hers over her noggin. I cut a wedge out of the collar so she could wear it!"
I had the largest head in my graduating class at West Rome in 1965. There was one guy at Asbury who had a larger morterboard hat than mine in 1969. I have always contended that cranial capacity is strongly correlated with intelligence.
The apple falls not far from the tree, eh, Brannon Shaw?

Barron Kirkpatrick Frazier Brown So who in our class had a bigger head than you!? 


Terrell Shaw I wouldn't want to embarrass a dear friend like Mike Bock by identifying him as the one with the freakishly huge noggin. pastedGraphic_1.png

Barron Kirkpatrick Frazier Brown I won't tell a soul!

Terrell Shaw You are truly a kindred spirit, Barron. .. always caring and tactful to a fault! 


Barron Kirkpatrick Frazier Brown pastedGraphic_2.png

Deborah Lake Dawson Really, I have a big head, hmmm.

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