Thursday, March 30, 2017

Gleaning Facebook: Impeach!

The cover-up is on for our crooked president and his sleazy cohorts. Impeach.


Sharon Clark
He has some Intel to show the house and senate intelligence committee leaders that will clear the whole thing up...cough cough ahem...(sarcasm)

CeCe Baker
What I've been saying since November 9: #IMPEACHTrumpNOWForTREASON applies.

Anne Edwards Langley
The entire time he was screaming Lock Her Up look what he was up to. The Glen Frye song "The Heat Is On" comes to mind

Charlie Hehn
I like the line from smugglers blues....."Pay offs, rip offs and things nobody saw......" to me it epitomizes politics in general, left/middle/right.

Paula Graves
I CANNOT wait to see what Flynn knows

Sharon Clark
But will he tell all

Drew Fountain
Shhhh .... just wait, we need to let the man do what he promised. He promised America many things - one promise was to "Drain the Swamp" well that's exactly what will happen.
All those senators/congressmen that blindly supported his hateful rhetoric will have to answer to their voters , and what are the GOP candidates doing ? They're already cancelling town-hall meetings with their constituents, or they're just not showing up,
So, Thanks to him, in two years the house and senate will see a significant turnover . So Yes he will drain the swamp, but those impacted are those red supporters who blindly followed his irrational agendas with a mantra of "we're anti liberals". So all those neo-conservatives that drank that very unsweetened tea - they threw fistfuls of cash and support to that candidate, Soon they will soon realize they were victims to the big deceiver.
It's clear that our society swung too far right ... so now it's time to let the national pendulum swing left for a while. Most Americans grow weary of the deception , the "wink, nudge" business deals, and prefer straight talking honest ideas.

Melissa Pyle-Hamilton
Indeed. Impeach that sorry thing!!!

Ishmael Williams
May the first 100 days be the last. Take Pence with you. Ryan should not be placed in the president's office by a corrupt admin. Lets declare this presidency a bust and get our second choice - Clinton.

Melissa Pyle-Hamilton
Amen! Although, based on popular vote, Hillary was the #1 choice. That along with Russia's tampering leaves us wondering just how badly America really wanted Hillary as President.

Jim Geist

impeach and REMOVAL.


The current Republican administration is the most shameful in history. Impeach and remove.


Sharon Clark

Anne Edwards Langley
If I were Hillary I would be giddy at this point

Terrell Shaw
Except that when we impeach the Prima Donald, we'll be left with Pence. The right thing would be to overturn the illegitimate election, but we have no mechanism to right this horrible wrong.

Ray Langley
I believe Pence knew what was going on

Donald Murdock
Hopefully, Flynn will blow the whistle on Pence, Trump, and the whole horrendous house of cards. Interesting times. Should be fun.

Jim Geist
Wow.....dirty, dirty, dirty......

Tim Shiflett
I would rather have Pence there. He is the best of the bad choices. If Flynn goes, we have Ryan, and............just, no.

Terrell Shaw
Take the House in '18 and have a Democratic speaker ready by the time the impeachment trial ends? pastedGraphic.png

Tim Shiflett
Okay, we're in the realm of good miracles, here. LOL

Imagine the GOP's worst nightmare; President Pelosi. Heads would explode..............

Terrell Shaw
Virtually what I was about to punch into my iPhone


Tim Shiflett

Ray Langley
I really believe Pence and Ryan are part of the cover up

CeCe Baker

Laurie Craw
Shouldn't be celebrating yet. This may be a trick. He may be being paid by Russians to lie under oath and protect his co-conspirators.

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